An Afghan Literary Cafe in partnership with Free Word and the Dutch Foundation for Literature.

Thursday 31 March 2011

7:30 pm

Free Word Centre

*Past Event*

£5 (£3 concessions)

We are delighted to be working in partnership with Free Word and the Dutch Foundation for Literature on this Afghan Literary Cafe including Reza Mohammadi, whose work has recently been translated by the PTC. Reza will be joined by the PTC’s Director, Sarah Maguire, who will read his translations. Also taking part in this special event are two Afghan writers from The Netherlands: poet Shakila Azizzada, and Tahmina Akefi, whose first novel will be published soon; and Saira Shah, author of The Storyteller’s Daughter, who’ll be reading from her novel.

Free Word Centre 60 Farringdon Road