Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi joined other leading international poets for a reading in the calm and beautiful Bedouin Tent in the remarkable setting of St Ethelburga’s

Friday 20 July 2012

8:00 pm

St Ethelburga's

*Past Event*

An evening of world poetry up close in a Bedouin Tent hidden away in the City of London. After the gigantic Poetry Parnassus in the wide open spaces of the Southbank, a capacity audience heard some of today’s best poets from round the world in the remarkable intimate space of The Tent at St Ethelburga’s.

Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi read his poems alongside Fathieh Saudi (Jordan) and Sharanya Mannivanan (India). The evening was introduced by Stephen Watts and Rafiq Abdullah, who also read their own poems.

St Ethelburga's 78 Bishopsgate