Join campaigner and journalist Lola Olufemi for an afternoon unpicking the ideas and history of ‘Decolonisation’ and looking at practical steps to bring positive change to Deptford.

Saturday 26 October 2019

3:00 – 6:00 pm

Poetry Translation Centre

*Past Event*


Get to grips with decolonisation, what does this buzz word mean and where does it come from? Journalist and campaigner Lola Olufemi will bring us on a journey through the history of the decolonise movement, unpacking its roots and illuminating how it is manifested in institutions and governing structures.

With the history and theory fresh in our minds we will look at practical, hands-on things that can be done here in Deptford. We will look at ways to apply what you heard to your community. Let’s talk about what needs to change and how we can get it to change.

Afterwards, we hope you will stay for the ‘Polylingual Poetry Open Mic’ and listen to poems in languages from across the world, read by translators and poets, the people of Deptford and you, if you feel like it! We’d love to hear your work so please do bring pages!

Lola Olufemi is a former Cambridge Student Union Womens’ officer, at Cambridge she also was involved as an outspoken member to decolonise the English curriculum. Lola regularly published articles for magazines like the Guardian and Varsity. She is the author of Feminism Interrupted coming soon from Pluto Press. Currently, Olufemi is a postgraduate of ender Studies at SOAS University of London.

Poetry Translation Centre The Albany
Douglas Way