We are pleased to partner with Leeds Lit Fest present Georgian poet Diana Anphimiadi and her translator collaborators, translator Natalia Buckia-Peters and poet Jean Sprackland at The Leeds Library.

Wednesday 23 March 2022

1:30 pm

The Leeds Library

*Past Event*


Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled.

We are pleased to partner with Leeds Lit Fest to present a lunchtime of Georgian poetry with Diana Anphimiadi and her translator collaborators, translator Natalia Buckia-Peters and poet Jean Sprackland at The Leeds Library.

Diana, Natalia and Jean will give readings from Why I No Longer Write Poems, a collection of poems by Diana recently published by the Poetry Translation Centre and Bloodaxe Books, and discuss Diana’s work and the collaborative translation process by Natalia and Jean that has brought it into English. This event is part of the LitFest Boundaries season.

‘This is gorgeous, fabulising verse’ – Fiona Sampson, The Guardian

Anphimiadi’s book Why I No Longer Write Poems is the first full-length selection in English from one of Georgia’s most acclaimed poets. Her poems range from the contemporary thrum of a train carriage to the ancient grievance of Greek myth, navigating the heartache and absurdity of love, and offering profound reflections on the limits and possibilities of language itself.

Diana Anphimiadi is a poet, publicist, linguist and teacher. A doctoral student at the linguistic Institute at the Tbllisi Javahkkishvili University, Diana has published four collections of poetry, Shokoladi (Chocolate 2008), Konspecturi Mitologia (Resume of Mythology, 2009), Alhlokhedvis Traektoria (Trajectory of the Short-Sighted, 2012) and Chrdilis Amoch’ra (Cutting the Shadow, 2015). Her poetry has received prestigious awards, including first prize in the 2008 Tsero (Crane Award) and, in 2009, the SABA Prize for the best first collection.

Diana Anphimiadi’s tour has been co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

The Leeds Library 18 Commercial Street