We are delighted to present celebrated Algerian poet Habib Tengour reading and in conversation with his translators Will Harris and Delaina Haslam as they launch his new bilingual book of poetry Consolatio.

Thursday 7 July 2022

7:00 – 8:00 pm

Institut Francais

*Past Event*

£5.00 / Free with ticket to 'Heliopolis'

We are delighted to present celebrated Algerian poet Habib Tengour reading and in conversation with his translators Will Harris and Delaina Haslam as they launch his new bilingual book of poetry Consolatio.

Habib will read from the book in the original French and his translators Will Harris and Delaina Haslam will take turns reading their English translations. The trio will then take questions and discuss the translation process.

This reading will take place in conjunction with a screening of ‘Heliopolis‘ at the Ciné Lumière. Inspired by real events, this period drama traces back the beginning of the tragic events of 8 May 1945 and the massacres of Sétif, Guelma and Kherrata in Algeria during the French colonisation. In the city of Guelma, which was called Heliopolis in ancient times, the daily life of an Algerian family takes its usual course. Until on 8 May 1945, as the end of World War II was just announced, the Algerian people go to the streets and demonstrate against the French colonial power and for the country’s independence. A bloody repression ensues.

You can attend this reading for free with a ticket to the film – please reserve a space using the booking link.

Habib Tengour’s tour has been co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union.

Institut Francais 17 Queensberry Place
South Kensington