Despite visa problems and the worst storm to hit the UK for decades, Hadraawi read his magnificent poems to a packed audience in Cardiff’s Butetown, the historic heart of the long-established Somali community.

Sunday 27 October 2013

6:00 pm

*Past Event*

Despite visa problems and the worst storm to hit the UK for decades, Maxamed Ibraahin Warsame ‘Hadraawi’read his magnificent poems to a packed audience in Cardiff’s Butetown, the historic heart of the long-established Somali community.

Here’s a selection of photographs of the evening.

Arranged at very short notice by the Somali Integration Society, the evening was a resounding success. Abdi Hassan, Communiy Liaison Officer for SIS, wrote to everyone afterwards to say:

‘I would like to take this opportunity and thank you all for your fantastic support and wonderful partnership in making Hadraawi’s visit to Cardiff a great success. We had a big event on Sunday 27th October at Butetown. It was widely attended by all sections of the community. There were about 130 attendees. The venue was so full that people stood at the door for more than an hour listening to the poetry. There was many positive feedback. For some this was the first time they saw Hadraawi performing live. Most of the books were sold and Hadrwaai was generous to autograph the books bought. Following the event there was a community dinner to honour Hadraawi.

‘Considering the short time we had to organise this event, I think the phenomenal success is a testament to the strong partnership we had between all the involved organisations.’