Cuban poet Legna Rodriguez Iglesias and translator Serafina Vick read at an evening hosted by Brazilian-British artist Joana Nastari, writer of the award-winning show Fuck You, Pay Me,

Monday 14 October 2019

7:00 pm

Poet In The City

*Past Event*


Full of contemporary, global references and fizzing with challenge for the times we live in, award-winning Cuban poet Legna Rodriguez Iglesias’ words capture at once the adversity of now and tensions with generations past. With intense – often confrontational – poetry that refuses to conform, experience this celebrated poet’s new collection A little body are many parts in a rare UK performance. Expect live poetry in English and Spanish, performance and discussion dissecting the female body and laying bare consumer society.

Through live poetry in Spanish and English, and discussion, this event will dissect what it means to translate and liberate female bodies in an evening hosted by Brazilian-British artist and activist Joana Nastari, writer and performer of the award-winning show Fuck You, Pay Me, a love letter to strippers that fuses poetry, comedy and music to break the stigma surrounding sex work.

The event comes from the Poet in the City Producers group of talented 16-25 year olds producing live events, discussions and campaigns to ensure young people have a stake in the future of poetry.

In collaboration with Poet in the City and the British Library.

Poet In The City British Library
96 Euston Road