Online readings from international poets and translators shortlisted for the Sarah Maguire Prize 2022

Tuesday 11 October 2022

7:00 – 8:00 pm


*Past Event*


The Poetry Translation Centre is proud to present readings from two of the titles shortlisted for the 2022 Sarah Maguire Prize: Cargo Hold of Stars: Coolitude by Khal Torabully from Mauritius and The River in the Belly by Congolese poet Fiston Mwanza Mujila.

Join Fiston Mwanza Mujila, his translator J. Bret Maney, and Cargo Hold of Stars: Coolitude translator Nancy Naomi Carlson for bilingual readings from these two captivating books.

The meditative, yet forceful Solitudes of Fiston Mwanza Mujila revolve around The Congo River; the beauty, terror and mayhem it delivers along it’s banks. Composed of Solitudes, varying in length, the human condition is explored veering into notions of identity, the body and societal turmoil. And with vivid translations by J. Bret Maney, the imagery of this piece is perfectly illustrated for English speakers. Published by Deep Vellum.

Cargo Hold of Stars is a homage to the voyage taken by millions of people from India and China to Mauritius and other former European colonies in the 19th and 20th centuries. Erased from history, the voices of these men and women are brought to life through Khal Torabully’s musical contemplations. Colonialism’s ugly past, along with expressions of identity, migration, and resilience are all presented in this piece. Nancy Naomi Carlson’s masterful translations distinctly deliver Torabully’s unique voice to English speakers. Published by Seagull Books.

This reading will take place on Zoom.

Tickets are free, but donations towards funding future editions of the prize are welcome, or order a copy of the Sarah Maguire Prize 2022 Anthology at the same time as securing your place at the reading.

This event is presented in partnership with The Africa Centre, London.

It is part of a series in partnership with the British Council.
