Kishwar Naheed is one of the best known feminist poets of Pakistan. We will be translating her poetry from Urdu with teh poet and translator Sascha Aurora Akhtar.

Tuesday 4 June 2019

6:30 – 8:30 pm

Poetry Translation Centre

*Past Event*

£7 / £4 Students & Retirees / Free for Refugees & Unwaged

Kishwar Naheed is one of the best known feminist poets of Pakistan. Born in Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh, India in 1940, she had to fight to receive an education at a time when women did not go to school. Her first collection of poetry, Lab-i goya, published in 1968, won the prestigious Adamjee Prize of Literature. Her poetry has been translated into English and Spanish and her famous poem ‘We Sinful Women’ gave its title to a groundbreaking anthology of contemporary Urdu feminist poetry translated and edited by Rukhsana Ahmad published in London by The Women’s Press in 1991.

Sascha Aurora Akhtar originates from Pakistan and was educated there and in the USA. Her debut poetry collection, The Grimoire of Grimalkin, was published in 2007 and greeted as “a contemporary masterpiece”, with the British newspaper The Guardian naming Akhtar one of the top twelve poets to watch. About her own work, she says: “As a child, I was obsessed with language. I read dictionaries for fun and loved to record myself on my uncle’s ‘dictaphone,’ reading out poetry. The poetry available to me was what I now call the ‘Dead White Man’ phenomenon in poetry.

The workshops are open to all. There is no need to know the language being translated.

Buy a Season Pass for all 6 workshops in our Summer Season and save money.

The saving on a season pass is equivalent to one free workshop. And don’t forget, with each workshop, you attend you can earn points towards free PTC chapbooks and poetry collections with your PTC loyalty card.

Feedback from our most recent workshops:

“I really enjoyed it. I’ll be coming back for more this season.”

Poetry Translation Centre The Albany
Douglas Way

020 8692 4446 (extension 279)