Atef Alshaer will be introducing the work of well-known Jordanian poet Amjad Nasir at this workshop. Amjad Nasir’s work has a strong narrative elements and is written in a prose poem style. The workshop will be facilitated by English poet Clare Pollard.

Tuesday 8 November 2016

6:30 pm

University of Westminster

*Past Event*


Atef Alshaer will be introducing the work of well-known Jordanian poet Amjad Nasir at this workshop. Amjad Nasir’s work has a strong narrative elements and is written in a prose poem style. The workshop will be facilitated by English poet Clare Pollard.

Atef Alshaer completed his English Language and Literature degree at Birzeit University in Palestine and he obtained his Masters and PhD in Linguistics from the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London. His book Poetry and Politics in the Modern Arab World has just been published by Hurst, 2016.

Clare Pollard is a poet, playwright, journalist, Editor and teacher. Her first poetry collection The Heavy-Petting Zoo was published by Bloodaxe in 1998. Clare was a Royal Literary Fellow at Essex University, has been a mentor for Arvon and New Writing North, and is a core tutor on the new Poetry School/University of Newcastle Poetry MA.

University of Westminster 115 New Cavendish St

020 7911 5000