The final workshop of this season of workshops will be on poetry from Georgia with Natalia Bukia-Peters. The workshop leader Natalia Bukia-Peters is a translator, interpreter and teacher of Russian and Georgian.

Wednesday 10 June 2015

6:30 pm

Free Word

*Past Event*


The final workshop of this season will be on poetry from Georgia with Natalia Bukia-Peters. In the past the PTC have translated several Georgian poets including Dato Magradze, Diana Amphimiadi, Nato Ingorokva and Tinatin Mgvdliashvili. The workshop leader Natalia Bukia-Peters is a translator, interpreter and teacher of Russian and Georgian. She has worked for ITN, the French newspaper Liberation and translated literary works from English into Russian for the British Council. This workshop will be held on the 10th of June at the Free Word Centre.

Our workshops are open to anyone who has the skills to translate the poetry of a living African, Asian or Latin American poet with an established reputation in their own language. You don’t need to send us your translations before you join us. Please contact us if you’d like to come along or be added to our workshop mailing list.

Free Word 60 Farringdon Road

020 7324 2570