The first in our new series of community workshops was for Arabic speakers. The aim of the workshops is to introduce them to the process of translating poetry and the work of the PTC.

Tuesday 17 May 2011

7:30 pm

*Past Event*

Worod Musawi lead the first of our innovative community workshops that aim to introduce the process of translating poetry and the work of the PTC.

Worod introduced a team of enthusiastic Arabic speakers to the poetry of Hazim al-Temimi, a leading poet from Iraq, who has been a contestant in the internationally renowned Prince of Poets competition. The group first heard al-Temimi reading his own poetry in a short online film, and then set about the task of translating the poem, ‘One Day’.

After two hours and lots of spirited debate, we created a literal translation. This translation will form the basis of a general Poetry Translation Workshop on Wednesday 15th June. We will then finish the translation process by creating a new poem in English.

The workshop was arranged in collaboration with the Humanitarian Dialogue Foundation, and with support from the Esmee Fairbairn Foundation.

Salam House
6-10 Lyons Place
Maida Vale
London NW8 8NL