For our final workshop before the summer break we were joined by the Free Word Centre’s translator in residence, Canan Marasligil, for a workshop on the wonderful Turkish poet, Karin Karakaşlı in which we translated four of her poems.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

7:30 pm

*Past Event*

For the final workshop before the summer break we were joined by the Free Word Centre’s translator in residence, Canan Marasligil, on her very last official engagement, for a workshop on the wonderful Turkish poet, Karin Karakaşlı in which we translated four more of her poems: ‘On Time’, ‘Salep’, ‘Here and There’ and ‘Singlular’ – the latter four-line poem being our fastest-ever translation!

As with our March workshop on Karin’s poems – in which we translated three of her poems – ‘History-Geography’, ‘Ontological Distance’ and ‘Washing Lines’, her work was a real pleasure to translate and we’re really grateful to Canan for introducing us to Karin’s poetry.

(NB: this workshop should have taken place on 12th June but was rescheduled to 26th due to Sarah Maguire being unwell.)

Our poetry translation workshops are one of the PTC’s core activities. Through them we’ve first encountered some of the poets we’ve gone on to translate, publish and record at length. A significant number of the poets who’ve visited the UK to take part in our tours were introduced to us by a translator bringing their poems to a workshop.

The workshops are open to anyone who has the skills to translate the poetry of a living African, Asian or Latin American poet with an established reputation in their own language. You don’t need to send us your translations before you join us.

Eventbrite - Workshop on Turkish Poet, Karin Karakaşlı, with Canan Marasligil

RADA (Council Room)
64 Gower Street
London WC1E 6ED