The Petrie Museum’s Poet in Residence, Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi, was joined by members of the Youth Factor, a group of young Sudanese artists and activists, for a stimulating and revealing afternoon of readings and discussions

Saturday 13 October 2012

1:00 pm

The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology

*Past Event*

The Petrie Museum’s Poet in Residence, Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi, was joined by members of the Youth Factor, a group of young Sudanese artists and activists, for a stimulating and revealing afternoon of readings and discussions.

The Youth Factor is a group of young Sudanese people who’ve come together to offer mentoring opportunities and encourage awareness of the rich complexity of Sudanese culture amongst their UK community.

27 young people aged 17-25 took part in a range of activities at the Petrie Museum. The workshop began with a poetry reading by Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi amid the museum’s impressive vitrines. This was followed by a tour of the museum’s collections by Tracey Golding, the Petrie’s Visitor Services Officer, with a particular focus on artefacts from Sudan. Members of The Youth Factor then gave an inspirational performance of their own poetry for the group.

After a short break with refreshments, the Sudanese singer Amira performed traditional and popular songs accompanied by her oud player. This was followed by a Q&A session which led to a debate among the group on issues of creativity and how difficult it can be for second-generation Sudanese in the UK to pursue artistic careers in the face of cultural and family pressures.

Curator Stephen Quirke said that the afternoon, ‘Was one of the most dynamic events I have seen at the Petrie Museum!’

The Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology