holding hands

passo por esse casal de amantes é como meter as mãos num balde de sardinhas são tantas as mordidelas estou ferida não é mortal passei por aquele casal de amantes foi como meter num balde de sal estraçalhadas as mãos são tantas as sardinhas como corta o sol nem meio gato à vista como corta […]

[the chair]

havia somente uma cadeira para o casal na cadeira se sentava a esposa ovulada e se sentava a esposa menstruada o homem na cadeira se sentava ereto havia somente esta convenção entre o casal que a cadeira fosse o rito regulador da sujidade espécie de objeto de contaminação das coisas mulher nas coisas homem depois […]

Corsino Fortes

Corsino Fortes’s first book Pão & Fonema [Bread & Phoneme] which appeared in 1974 made an immediate impact. 1974 was a momentous year for Portugal and its African colonies as it was the year in which Portugal’s dictator Salazar was overthrown, an act which began the process that led to the decolonisation of the Cape […]

Hilda Hilst

The Brazilian poet, Hilda Hist, was born in Jaú in 1930. She was writing for almost 50 years, during which time she was awarded collected many of the most prestigious Brazilian literary prizes. In 1962 she won the Prêmio PEN Clube of São Paulo, for Sete Cantos do Poeta para o Anjo (Massao Ohno Editor, […]

Eduardo White

Born in Quelimane in 1963, Eduardo White is one of Mozambique’s leading poets. His first collection of poetry Amar Sobre o Índico was published in 1984; he has published eight further books, the most recent being As Falas do Escorpião. The poem ‘O peso da vida!’ is from his third collection País de Mim (1990). […]

Conceicao Lima

Conceição Lima is a Santomean poet from the town of Santana in São Tomé, one of two islands in the small nation of São Tomé and Príncipe situated in the Gulf of Guinea, off the western coast of Africa. She studied journalism in Portugal and worked in radio, television and in the print press in […]

Armando Freitas Filho

Armando Freitas Filho was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1940. Throughout his career, he has experimented with different poetic practices that range from concrete poetry to poesia práxis to the marginal literary circles of the late 1970s mimeógrafo generation. His work reads through the urban imperatives of human landscapes in the city; a […]

Francisco Vilhena

Francisco Vilhena is an editor and translator. He writes short essays and translates from the Portuguese; his co-translation of Adelaide Ivánova’s the hammer and other poems was shortlisted for the 2020 Derek Walcott Prize for Poetry. He is a contributing editor to the White Review and serves on the advisory board of the Poetry Translation […]

Adelaide Ivánova

Adelaide Ivánova is a Brazilian poet and artist (b. Recife, 1982). She lives between Berlin and Cologne. Her first poetry collection, O Martelo (The Hammer) won the Rio de Janeiro Poetry Prize in 2018. Her work has been featured in English in Clinic and Alba Londres. The PTC published a chapbook of Adelaide Ivánova’s work, […]

Annie McDermott

Annie McDermott is a translator working from Spanish and Portuguese into English. Her translations have been published in Granta, The White Review, World Literature Today, the Harvard Review, Asymptote and Two Lines, among others, and she is currently working on novels by the Uruguayan writer Mario Levrero for And Other Stories and Coffee House Press.