Mohammad Nurul Huda

Mohammad Nurul Huda is a Bangladeshi poet and novelist who was born in 1949.He has written more than fifty poetry books. He is particularly acclaimed as jatisattar kobi meaning ‘the poet of national identity’. A versatile writer, he is also widely known as an essayist, literary critic, translator, folklorist and intellectual property rights specialist for […]


ham ki maghaloob-e-gumaa the pahale phir vahee hai kee jahaa the pahale [maghaluub-e-gumaa = defeated by suspicion/doubt] Khvaahisheau jhurriyaa ban kar ubharee zakhum seeney meh nihaa the pahale [jhurriyaa = wrinkles; nihaa = hidden] ab to har baath pe ro detey hai vaaquif-e-sood-o-ziyaa the pahale [vaaquif-e-sood-o-ziyaa = aware of profit and loss] dil se jaise […]