Vietnamese Community Workshops

The Poetry Translation Centre and Vietnamese Family Partnership – Gia Đình Việt teamed up to offer London’s Vietnamese diaspora community a series of free poetry translation workshops. The group is guided by award-winning poet and writer April Yee and a roster of expert translators from the Vietnamese community, at each workshop they will work together to create a group translations of poems to celebrate Vietnamese culture and explore the translation process.

Ibrahim Hirsi

Ibrahim Hirsi is a student, writer and peer researcher for the Centre for Mental Health. A digital Somali cultural archivist and independent researcher; his writings explore the changes that occurred in Somali culture and society during colonialism and to the present day. His work has appeared in PBLJ and he has worked as a consultant […]

Christina Ng

Christina Ng is a Singaporean writer, journalist and translator based in Berlin. Working between English and Chinese, she has interpreted for film and theatre productions, as well as written and translated essays, interviews and features on art, travel, and culture. She received a research grant in 2021 from the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and […]

Dan Ying

Lew Poo Chan, better known by her pen name Dan Ying, is widely acclaimed in the international literary community as one of the world’s major Chinese woman poets. Born in Perak and educated in Malaysia, Taiwan and the USA, the Chinese language educator made Singapore her home in the ’70s. Over the decades, she has […]

Farzaneh Ghavami

Farzaneh Ghavami, b.1968, is a graduate of Persian Language and Literature and teaches Persian literature in Tehran high schools. Her poetry reflects her lived experience as a woman living and working under a dictatorship system that suppresses women and femininity. It is due to this situation that Farzaneh Ghavami, like many other Iranian contemporary female […]

Jon Russell Herring

Jon Herring is a linguist and early career translator who lives in London. His undergraduate degree was in Spanish and French literature, and he spent several years teaching English to young adults in Madrid and Bilbao. He then lectured in linguistics at Oxford and Sussex, and undertook research projects on the spelling systems of Romance […]

Paula Galindez

Paula Galindez is a poet, translator and translation professor born in Argentina. She earned a BA in Literary and Audiovisual Translation in English and has translated books from English and German into Spanish, and from Spanish into English. She has studied creative writing and translation with renowned Argentine writers such as Alberto Muñoz, Andi Nachon, […]

Alireza Abiz

Alireza Abiz is an Iranian poet, literary critic and translator. Abiz has written extensively on Persian contemporary literature and culture. His scholarly book ‘Censorship of Literature in Post-Revolutionary Iran: Politics and Culture since 1979’ is forthcoming by I. B. Tauris. He has so far published five collections of poetry in Persian: Stop! We must get […]