La palabra de Mateo

This place to be named for those held and lost, Those who were driven from their homes or fled, For those of us not allowed to cross The border, who might visit for an hour at most The sacred place, if sick, if we possess a pass. Named for those shunted from pillar to post, […]


(My father at 87 remembers his father at 17) It wisnae men they sent tae war. It wis boys like the Bantams – wee men named efter sma’ chickens, or later a jeep, a bike, a camera. That needy, fir soldiers, they drapped height Restriction, so small men came to war. As a prisoner, my […]

Líneas para Kilmarnock

(for the new war memorial in Kilmarnock) Between the lines of men, The lines of women come: In case you think me strange, Your postscript never came. The lines you repeat before you fall Into line, and the ones you say when you fall Asleep. Dear John, dear, dear, darling – Lines unsaid, lines unformed. […]