52 fragments pour l'aimée 52 Fragments for the Beloved [1]

52 fragments pour l'aimée

Ils appartiennent à l’imaginaire de la souffrance. Celui qui rend humble. Celui qui invoque le goût des mots et des idées. D’où ce lien viscéral. D’où ce besoin de parler, de se dire, de se raconter, de se déployer en l’autre. Elle n’est pas son âme-sœur. Elle est d'un autre manifeste. Car elle descelle la part inconnue de son être et l’étale au grand jour, sur un parterre de lumière, façonnée par sa peau.

52 Fragments for the Beloved [1]

They belong to a world of suffering. One that humbles. One that invokes the taste of words and ideas. And so, this visceral bond. And so, this need to talk, to speak oneself, to narrate oneself, to open to the other. She is not his soulmate. She is a different expression. For she opens the unknown part of being – pouring it out into the day in a pool of light – sculpted from skin. 

52 Fragments for the/my loved one/beloved/lover/ loved one/one who is loved

They belong to / are part of imagined sufferings
Or: They belong to / are part of the imaginings/imaginary/imagination/imagery/imagined world of suffering. 
That (which) makes (one/us/them/you) humble
Or: humbles (one/us/them/you)
Or: is humbling.
That (which) invokes/conjures the taste of words and ideas. Whence/hence this visceral connection/link/bond. Whence/hence this need to speak/talk, to tell/talk (of/about) oneself, to tell one’s stories, (to) spread out/unfold/unfurl/unroll into the other. She is not a/his kindred soul/spirit / soulmate. She is (made) of another manifesto / made of something else / a different species/type. For/because/since she unseals/loosens the unknown part of (her or his?) being and spreads it out in/before/into (the) broad daylight/ light of day, on/in a patch/flowerbed/bed/field of light, fashioned/sculpted/moulded by/from her skin.

This translation comes from the second workshop we have spent looking at Umar Timol’s book-length poem 52 Fragments for the Beloved. Delaina Haslam, our guest translator on both occasions, had previously guided us through fragments 7 and 8. She warned us that this first, opening fragment is unusual in the sequence. The vast majority of the fragments are spoken by an “I” and addressed towards a “you” (which though abstract is defined as female and singular), however, in this first fragment the protagonists are seen in the third person.

The language of the sequence, as we found in this fragment, employs an elevated register. Timol seems to delight in leaving open linguistic and semantic possibilities. The French speakers in the group found his sentence structures and clauses fascinatingly perverse. At times, in translating these, we had to clarify what had been beautiful ambiguous in the French. For instance, the clause ‘de se dire’ which we translated as ‘to speak oneself’, also implies in the French ‘to speak with…’ but where the interlocutor is strangely missing from the syntax. In this instance we chose to compromise on what felt like the primary association of the phrase and also try and facilitate the crescendo in the music of the line which works so well in the French.

Edward Doegar, Commissioning Editor

Original Poem by

Umar Timol

Translated by

Delaina Haslam with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


