Lukisan Wanita 1938 A Woman’s Portrait 1938

Lukisan Wanita 1938

Lukisan dengan lengkap citarasa
giwang, gelang, untaian kuning hijau
selendang, menyembunyikan kehamilan
kehamilan maut yang nanti menjemput
luput diredam
kehamilan hidup yang nanti merenggut
goresan dendam
gejolak dan kemelut keprihatinan
gagal direkam
pada sapuan dan garis wajah yang
menyerah, pada alur sejarah
Lukisan dengan sapuan akhir
yang cemerlang, kelengkapan wajah
diperoleh dalam bingkai kenangan
Juli 1989

A Woman’s Portrait 1938

The painting conveys her exquisite taste:
ear studs, bracelets, green and yellow selendang;
the sash conceals her pregnancy.
The death she is carrying can’t be disguised.
The life she carries will grasp and cling on.
Yearning, restlessness and the turmoil of fear
are not recorded in the brush-strokes,
pencil outline of a face
surrendering to the flow of history.
The painting, with its final brilliant gesture,
only fully reveals this face
when it is framed by memory.
July 1989
Coming soon!

Original Poem by

Toeti Heraty

Translated by

Ulrich Kratz with Carole Satyamurti Language


