على بابِ قلبٍ وحيد At the Door of a Lonely Heart

على بابِ قلبٍ وحيد

لست وحيدا أبدا
كلّ مافي الأمر
صرت رفيقا لوحدتي
بقليل من الملح
بقليل منك
...في ليله
وقليل من الليل
حين تنامين على كتف الحلم
قليل من الحلم
حين تسيرين على ضفة النوم
قليل من النوم
يؤرجحه الناي
بين بحّته
وبين اجراس معلقة في رقاب القطيع
على زاد أيامه
لايمنح الله الشمس عطلة اسبوعية.....؟
ليعرف الناس
انك مضيئة دائما
وانني الوحيد الذي يرى ....
هو جدار أبيض
جدار قديم
ينوء بقلبه الطيني اليابس
اكتبي عليه اسمك فقط
ولاتثقلي كاهله بالمسامير
ترفقي باطرافه
وارتقيه بخيط ناعم
لايجرح حواشيه
ولملمي خيوطه الشاردة
واعصريه بحنوّ حين يدركه الماء
فهو وان تراءى لك كثوب عتيق
لكنه على اية حال .... قلب
ترفرفين على قلبي
في الأراضي المحرّرة
من منّا بكى على صدر الآخر...؟
وحده القميص المبتل
يعرف الجواب

At the Door of a Lonely Heart

I am not alone -
the truth is
I befriended my loneliness
He's satisfied with a pinch of salt on his daily bread
with a little of you at night
with a short night
with you asleep on dream's shoulder
with a brief dream
with you walking on sleep's shore
with a light sleep
that sways between the keening of the nai
and the clanging of goat bells
If God gave the sun the weekend off
people would know how you shine all the time
even though I am the only one who notices
It is a blank wall,
an old wall -
a heart burdened by drought and clay:
write your name here,
but don't pierce it with nails
Be careful with his limbs:
mend him with fine yarn
and don't rip his hem,
gather up his stray threads,
and squeeze him gently
when he is wet -
even if he seems like just an old shirt,
really, he is a heart
Like a flag 
flying  in a free country
you are waving in my heart
Who wept on the breast of the other?
Only the wet shirt
knows the answer

On the Door of a Lonely Heart

I am not alone
All the matter is
I became friend of my loneliness
(He) pleased with a little of salt on (his) days fare
With little of you in his night
With a little of night
When you sleeping on the dream shoulder
With a little of the dream
When you walk on the sleeps shore
With little of sleep
Swing by the flute
 between the hoarse
and the hanged bells in the herd's necks.
Why God not give the sun a weekly holiday
For people to know
You are always shining
And I am the only one who see
Is a white wall
Old wall
Remotes by the dry, clayey heart
Write your name on 
And don't burden his shoulder with the nails
Take care of his limbs
Mend him with soft thread
Do not wounds the hems
Gather his stray yarns
Squeeze him gently
When the water reaches (him)
So, even if it seems to you like old dress
But anyway he is heart
You are waving on my heart
Like the flag
In the liberated lands
Who cried on the chest of the other?
Only the wet shirt
Know the answer

Original Poem by

Abboud al Jabiri

Translated by

Worod Musawi with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


