Detrás de la cortina Behind the Curtain

Detrás de la cortina

Detrás de la cortina hay un mundo de calma,
detrás del verde espeso
el remanso,
la profunda quietud.
Es un reino intocado, su silencio.
Desde el espectro líquido
de otro mundo,
desde otra realidad de sonidos dispersos; desde otro tiempo
enmarañable, me llaman.

Behind the Curtain

Behind the curtain there is a world of calm,
behind that thick green
is sanctuary,
profound hush.
An unsullied realm, its silence.
From that flowing vision
of another world,
from that other reality's diaspora of sounds; from that other time,
enmeshed, they are calling me.

From La voluntad del ámbar (1998).

Original Poem by

Coral Bracho

Translated by

Tom Boll with Katherine Pierpoint Language


