Daalacan Clarity


Ma da’furin ogaalkay
Xaska dabada maan gelin
derejada ilhaamkiyo
hibadii dalaysnayd
uma dhiibin duudduub
Weli Dalawadaydii
Doobigeedi may dhimin
Dibu-dhigasho mooyee
Wax is doorshey may dhicin
Afartaa xan durugtiyo
Danni jira wax sheeggii
rag hadduu dagaal galo
Danta guud xilkeediyo
U dareero fuullaan
Ashkir deeddan badiyaan
xakamaha la doontaa
Duullaanka kama hadho
gaarriyoow dugaalkiyo
Shaxda Delebka taallee
Daawashiyo cayaarba leh
Sirmaqabe ku diirsaday
Aniguna hog baan degey
Digba waa digteedee
Deelleydu waa laba
Afartaasi waa duud
Arrin wadata diirkeed
Dulmar gabaygu lee yahay
marka dooddu kulushahay
daldaloollo muuqdaan
Doogashada qabiilkiyo
Dacar iyo ladh soo kaco
Nabaradu dillaacaan
dadku kala qaloodaan
Marka dhidar ku daadego
Booraan dahsoonoo
Hilbo laga diqoodoo
Damac-beelay yaalliin
Dabadeedna uuskiyo
Duufkiyo xumaystii
debedda ula soo baxo
Dadku shaamareeraan
Neecaw delleganoo
Doorsoontay uriyaan
Waxan ahay dareenkii
Noqon jirey daruurtee
Sidii roobka di’i jirey
Dalka wada dhammayn jiray
Indhaweyto daaf iyo
Cudur daansha socodoo
Duulduulay baa jirey
Daacuunse maahee
Asal-tira-ma doorshuhu
Duraygay abuureen
Ma og tahay nin doorkiyo
Inta neceb dir soocee
Derejeysa qarankiyo
Durdurrada aqoontiyo
Qalinkiyo Dawaadiyo
Deelleyda curatiyo
Innagaa ka daba tegi
Durbaankay tuntumayaan
Dawankaynu sidannaa
sida danaba u baab’in
Dugsadaha qabiilkiyo
Dib-ka-naaxa shaac baxay
Iyo dawladnimadii
Dib inay u celiyaan
Qorshahayga kuma darin
Nin kastaa ha duudsiyo
Ama dala’si haw xado
Ama duurka haw xulo
Ama dabinno haw dhigo
ama duhur ha weeraro
Ama damac ha dhaafsado
Gobannimadu waa degel
Dayax iyo iftiin nool
Dumimeyso weligeed
Anigaa dabka u sida
Dal-jirkeedi baan ahay
ninka xagal-ka-daaciyo
Goldaloola iga hela
Isaga iyo digtoonkii
Anigiyo dagnaantay
Taariikhdu duuggeed
Diiwaanka qarankiyo
Wixii deyn cad ii qoran
Dirirtiyo rogaalkay
Dahabka iyo maartiyo
lacag aan Dur wadannoo
Laba daabac sidatiyo
Dalaga iyo beeraha
dacalada Shabeelliyo
webiyada dugsaniyiyo
Danbarsada labeentiyo
Dirirradu habaaskiyo
Dusha sare ka maydhaan
Daarahan casuustaleh
Kolba midab la doortiyo
Diibka lagu mariimee
Shanta Datsun yaalliin
Hanti aan dal dheer iyo
laga keenin dibadaa
Karti iyo dedaaliyo
dardar lagula soo bixin
Duullaanna loo gelin
Duco waalid soo hoyn
Carshigana ka soo degin
Deeqdaa la yaabka leh
Ninka weel darsanayee
digashada saboolkiyo
Ku darsaday badheedhaha
Miyaan eedi daba ool
Godobtiisu dedanaa
Bulshadeenu waa duul
Daacad iyo xishood badan
Dun xariira weeyaan
Cidna uma darraadaan
Dar Allay ku dhaqantaa
Dareen waw dhegweyn tahay
Ogow doqonse maahee
Qofka maamul dalabliyo
Dabbaal-joogto hoosiyo
Dibindaabyo ugu maqan
Degdeg uma tilmaamaan
Nabar kulama duulaan
Dib bay ugu muddaystaan
Dulmigiisu waw kayd
Afartaa dun quruxliyo
Diillimaha Biciidkiyo
Dildilaha farshaxankiyo
sida delebka ma dhigay
Mid kalaase ii dihin
weli dooddu ii furan
Maansadan dabayshiyo
Duufaan sidiisii
Dalandool u socotee
Dalladii qabiilkiyo
Xidhan waranki deyllaa
Laga furay daboolkii
lagu gado dukaamada
Miyaan xeer dabbaaliyo
Sharci laba-dibleeyiyo
Dar u qaybsan loo hayn
Toloow daaya yaa yidhi
Duumadan xanuunka leh
Kuwa luuqda daba dhigay
Denbi miyaanu qabanayn
Dulucdiyo ujeeddada
Runta aan u daadego
Ducda hadalku waa hee
Inta gaajo doob tahay
Derbi tahay laxaad weyn
Dufan-jecesha ururtiyo
Doorka maanta soo baxay
Dabatadu sad roon tahay
waxa yaal daldalayaan
Danyartiyo saboolkuna
Diingaraaro jiifaan
Dadku kala sarreeyaan
In qabiilku dabar-go’
Ama dumo ha eegina
Cilmi diidayaa jira
Deegaanta noloshiyo
Darantiyo samaantana
Ninkii doonayoow taas
Daw loo maraa jira
Umad yahay daryeelkaa
isku duubnidaa iyo
Adigiyo dedaalkaa
Dawadaadu waa taas
Dhan hadday ka debecdana
Gabbalkaa dam weeyaan
Ma dardaaran baa hadhay
Deexashada tusaalaha
Ama talada deeqda ah
Miyaad dood ka leedahay
Geenyadaydi Daalacan
Dabar saari maayee
Dibso aan idhaahdoo
Dagagara ayaamee
Sulmakii darbane mee
Dalandaliska Naylaha
Doonnanteenan boqorka leh
Deelleyda baaqa ah
Darka laaska beeshiyo
Duunyadu isugu timi
Dalbashada wadaantiyo
Adaa doojinteediyo
Haya dawliskeedoo
Dulqulaalka xanankiyo
Dogobkiyo Huuddiyo
Waxa tahay Bir-daaqeen
Ardaydiisa dooddiyo
deeqsiiya hadalkee
Sangahaagi Doolaal
mar labaad ha dananee
majaraha u sii daa
Sheekadu ha durugtee
Dawi Maxamed Xaashoow
Aniguna ku dayashada
Haddaan dayro kaa dhigo
Anaa daawadii furay
Waa innoo dantaas guud
Carrab dalab-la’aaneed


I’ve still not admitted defeat,
nor have I withdrawn:
that high inspiration,
that talent I was endowed with,
has not been discarded.
Its milk-camel’s capacity to fill
the dairy pail is undiminished –
apart from my deliberate delay,
there is no difference in me.
So I have a few points to make
to deal with the spreaders of doubt.
When men dedicate to the struggle
and determine to fulfil their duty;
when they ready themselves for the charge,
amass the finest thoroughbreds;
when the reins are on the racers,
I never step aside.
Gaarriye, in this arena
where the chess game unfolds –
well worth the watching, promising play –
the innocent delight in alliterative war,
our Deelley with its two sides,
where tactic is met by counter-tactic –
and here’s where I put my piece.
These first points are just the outline
to the real issue, the whole shape of which
this poem will address.
When our debate gets heated
loopholes come to light:
that damage done by exploiting
the bitterness of tribes, the anguish of clans,
which opens gaping wounds,
divisions between the people.
When the hyenas descend
upon shallow graves
and the shunned bodies of the dead,
that rotten meat nothing else would touch,
and pull out the pulp from their bellies,
the flux and the phlegm,
and scatter it all around,
the people are dumbstruck,
the fresh air is defiled,
miasma fills every nostril.
Then I am that prediction
of clouds still to come
bringing a downpour
that will cover the whole country.
Now a strange disease of vision
has been seen, and similar sicknesses
have ravaged and ranged:
not fatal like a cholera,
their futile attempts
are more like the common cold.
Nonetheless, those with virtue,
who detest discrimination,
those who defend this country –
who value knowledge,
the pen and the ink, those who delivered
this Deelley into the light –
will track them down
and silence their tapping drum.
The clarion bell we carry will strike,
destroying them like lightning,
those huggers of tribalism,
grubbers in money, who are everywhere
lusting to turn back
all hopeful development
and to despoil our nation –
I can’t let that happen.
Anyone who tries to rob you of your rights,
whether by brazen thievery
or clandestine kleptocracy,
by hideous trickery or with
light fingers in the light of day,
the pettiest of selfish pilfering,
they can’t grasp how well-founded Freedom is –
both the Moon and its full clarity
which will never dim.
I carry its fire, and am
its emissary. Anyone
who seeks to damage me,
to find my feeblest point,
can do his damnedest:
no matter how depleted I seem,
History will display
in the nation’s records
the inevitable outcome
of the role that I play.
Their gold and their silver
is a counterfeit coin,
its two faces are the same.
Their farms and their fields
crowd the banks of the Shabeele,
shelter by that richest of rivers,
fed by its finest cream;
rain directed by the Dirir star
washes them clean of dirty sand.
Their buildings are lavishly daubed
any colour they fancy,
furnished with the fittest mahogany;
five Datsuns are parked out front.
Nothing is earned from distant labour,
the sweat of work done while abroad;
nothing from diligence and hard work.
Nothing is gained by toil,
by the effort of striving together.
This bewildering wealth
lacks the blessings of parents,
nor has it dropped from Heaven –
Anyone who indulges in such display,
looking down on the destitute
and blatantly bragging about it,
doesn’t he fear being called to account
and having his crime’s enormity uncovered?
Our nation is renowned
for its honesty, for humility;
woven from a silken thread
our people would harm no-one;
fearing Allah, their feelings
are slow to stir – still,
they are not so easily duped:
those immersed in misrule,
pretending to stand tall while swimming
in its depths, weaving their unseen nets –
our people don’t rush to blame
nor to lash out at them, but
they keep an excellent account
of such misdeeds and store it well.
Let these few lines be as striking
as the stripes on an oryx,
as visible and as lovely –
I simply place them in plain view.
But there’s one further point
which will finish my argument.
Those others’ poems are driven by the wind,
like a tornado they turn
wherever and in whatever direction:
swelling the banner of tribalism,
lifting its deadly spear,
taking the lid off restraint –
it’s released in every marketplace.
Is there no regulation that could stop it,
no law that might detain it,
no authority to enforce these rules?
I wonder who said to let it spread,
this baleful malaria?
Why are those who pipe its praises
not brought to trial?
Let me tell the whole truth,
put into words
the essence of our charge:
while hunger grips like a strong youth,
is impregnable as a sturdy wall,
and those who grab and gather wealth,
who love to lick their lips at it –
while this type is springing up all over,
doers of ill who demand the best,
hoarding all there is;
while the poor suffer,
are pushed over, helpless,
and everyone is divided into high or low,
don’t hope that tribalism
will fade and wither:
the facts oppose you.
Anyone who wants this life
to be serene,
to have savour and feel sound,
there is a path to follow:
people, you prosper
as one unit, as you share in
your shouldering of the burden –
that’s the only balm.
If it weakens in one wing
then its whole end is woe.
Is there any advice better than this,
any further examples you need
beyond this ample explanation,
or do you have some countering case?
My horse is Clarity, is Daalacan –
I won’t hobble it
but here I set it at ease
for a few days.
Where is that able, well-bred ram
who leads the lively lambs
to our betrothed, our princess,
the Deelley, whose call brings them all
to the well that is community,
both the people and the animals?
Who knows how best to order
the drawing of the water but you, Gaarriye,
master with the deftness to distinguish
tinder’s dry leaves and dead sticks
from the trunk and branches best for the fire.
You are tempered steel:
your speeches satisfy the curious
and your arguments convince.
Your horse is named Doolaal, the strong and fast:
let its neigh ring out again,
let loose its rein, let
our theme spread far abroad.
Dear friend, Maxamed Xaashi,
I am as you are and do as you do,
if I ever let you down,
let the blame be on me. Let’s be
united in our common goal:
clear of motive,
clear of voice.

Undying Glow

I haven’t given up yet
Nor have I made retreat;
The inspiration from heaven
and the achievement that goes along
I have never willingly discarded
My milky camel is ready
To fill the bowls to the brim
Apart from intended procrastination,
Nothing has changed in my  mission.
These four points I make
To rebuff that baseless rumour
WHEN MEN truly go to war
with commitment and determination
and start harnessing the horses
I am never the one supposed
To fall far behind the others
My friend, Gaarriye,  mark this:
the ongoing ‘Shax’ game
being watched by all and sundry
and trumpeted loud by the fools
I cast my dice with confidence
Knowing well the only two sides
To the ‘Deelley’ gauntlet
This four is but a prelude
To the issue at stake
My poem intends to address
WHEN THE DEBATE gets heated
And weaknesses become exposed
When some resort to tribal sentiments
And the damage shows in divisions
to which the society is split
When young hyenas go ahead
Pulling carcasses from covered holes
Scattering the chyme in the open
which smacks people’s noses
With unbearable stenches
And the thrown away parts
Fill the air with impurity
I tend to be the harbinger of the clouds
Of the long awaited rains
The people so hoped for
RECENTLY SIGNS of eye cataracts
And other similar illnesses
Has been seen rampantly at loose
It wasn’t cholera,
More like a slight cold
No doubt those of us,
Who hate discrimination,
And  upheld their patriotism
With the might of their pen
And the recitation of the Deelley poems
Will soon track the mischievious and
Silence their drum beats.
Our clarion call will destroy
With the force of lightning
their malicious intent,
and tribal incitement of those
who exploit their kind
and try to defame of sovereignty
Theirs will never happen,
According to my reckoning
NO MATTER their weird attempts,
Blatant emezzlements,
resort to fraudulent means
Or even daylight robbery
and holding the country at ransom
for selfish personal gains,
The freedom that we have won
like a full moon’s glare
cannot be easily extinguished
I am on its guard
and its torch-bearer too
I am its roving ambassador
Whoever tries to get the better of it
May foolishly choose so
But will taste bitter defeat
because I am always on the alert
it is my historical mission
a duty upon my shoulders
to fight till the very end
WHETHER IT  is gold or silver
This strange currency of money
Having both sides the same;
Farmlands at the banks of the Shebelle river
Washed clean and nurtured
by the Dirir star above,
Buildings cropping up here and there
Changing their paints to red and all hues
Made of wood from the fabulous ‘Diib’ tree
With five Datsun cars in their garage
This property not earned abroad
Nor gained by honest labour
Void of  both the blessings of parents
And the bliss of providence
This absolutely inexplicable enrichment
Yielded by some who cause misery
And impoverish the public
Don’t they realise their gross villainy
That will for ever follow them.
OUR SOCIETY is known for its good
And fogiving attitudes
It is made of pure golden stock
It hates to harm any one
In Allah it always trusts
Wrongly percieved as unwitting at times
but it is far from being easily duped
true, it never hastily charges
those pent on doing it harm
and who dispense of public wealth;
It patiently takes record of all
And perpetrators never get away with it
These four verses, beautiful threads
Like the colours on the oryx skin
I only employed as mere illustrations
But still in store I have
One more point to say
The unleashing of these poems
Which like wirlwinds roaring
And moving in every direction
smarting the hat of tribalism
starkly seen  in the open;
this commodity being sold in the shops
isn’t there a law forbidding it
can’t it be checked and stopped
isn’t there somebody assigned to that duty
I wonder who gave permisson to
The reciters of these harmful poems
Isn’t there a law banning them
THE LONG AND the short of it
The truth of the matter
Let me say it straight:
While hunger is so rife
Standing like stalwart
With the self-enriching lots
Are wetting their appetites
And increasing in number
With fraudulents winning the day
Having possession of all there is ;
With the poor bearing the brunt
And society divided into unequal classes
Never expect tribalism to go away
And disappear of its own
This is scientifically proven knowledge
WHOEVER  wishes for peace
and prosperity in life,
there is always a right path
to go along for that.
The people’s well being
Lies in its unity and common toil
That is its healing medicine
But should it suffer a weakness on one side
That would certainly be a fatal blow.
There remains no louder warning
Or better examples to give
Or more genuine advice to go by.
Who dares to disagree, then!
MY HORSE  poem ‘Daalacan’
I won’t hobble it any more
But give it time to rest.
And call for all our sheep and lambs
And all in the neighbourhood
To where all will gleefully witness
our beautifully adorned princess
The ‘Deelley’ poem we recite
Like a bountiful water well
Where every one can come
To quench their thirst .
You, my friend, are better  equipped
For it and surely know how to sort
Out the weeds and throw the useless substance.
Like giving lessons to your students
Give the gathered crowds your words
Which they longingly came to hear
Let go your ‘Doolaal’ horse poem
Once again set its reigns free
So that it takes our tale to far away lands
Yes, my friend Maxmed Xaashi,
I will also follow suit
And do the same on my part
Thus we accomplish our noble task.

This is one of the most famous, and most important poems, in contemporary Somali poetry. Following his release from five year’s imprisonment by the dictator, Siad Barre, Hadraawi and his good friend, the late Maxamed Xaashi Dhamac ‘Gaarriye’, began this ‘chain’ of poems, ‘Deelley’, to which many prominent Somali poets contributed. Hadraawi’s ‘Clarity’ is dedicated to Gaarriye, whom he speaks of with enormous admiration and affection in the poem.

All the poems in the ‘Deelley’ chain are written in the demanding and complex gabay form and, in this case, they all alliterate with the letter ‘D’. The ‘Deelley’ poems were memorised and recited in secret and they had a significant impact on Barre’s reputation leading to his downfall. ‘The Sea Migrations’ by the Somali poet Caasha Lul Mohamud Yusuf is a recent addition to the chain.

WN Herbert, Poet-translator

Original Poem by

Maxamed Ibraahin Warsame ‘Hadraawi’

Translated by

Said Jama Hussein with W N Herbert Language


