Constant Constante


(for M.)
It is following you and you can’t escape.
You cannot hold your head up or be happy.
You lose your confidence. You turn a corner: it is there.
You cannot step on it; make it disappear.
Dawn raids strike and you are terrified.
You are imprisoned in your own life.
Every time you go to the Home Office, there it is.
They make you feel inhuman. Every word you speak,
A complete lie. An untruth. You cannot begin
To imagine. It is always there. Constant.
It is your only companion. There is no freedom.
You can’t really describe it.
It gets everywhere. It gets in your hair.
Under your arms; between your legs.
It gives you a bad taste in your mouth.
You can see it in your eyes; hear it in your voice.
It is hard to describe. It never takes a break.
When you walk away, it follows you. When you
Stay inside; it stays by your side, so quiet.
It is under your skin. It is your heartbeat.
Never leaves you be. It is you. It is me.
It will stroke your hand when you die.


(para M.)
Te está siguiendo y ya no podés huir.
Ya no alzás la cabeza ni sos feliz.
Perdés confianza. Doblás en la esquina: ahí está.
No podés aplastarla; sacártela de encima.
Llegan las redadas y te dan terror.
Estás encarcelada en tu propia vida.
Vas a la Oficina de Inmigración y está ahí.
Te hacen sentir inhumana. Cada cosa que decís,
Una mentira. Una falsedad. No lo podrías
ni imaginar. Siempre está ahí. Constante.
Es tu única compañía. No existe la libertad.
En realidad no podés describirla.
Se mete en todos lados. Bajo los brazos.
Entre tu pelo; entre las piernas.
Te deja un gusto feo en la boca.
La ves en tus ojos; la oís en tu voz.
Te cuesta describirla. Nunca para.
Cuando te alejás, te sigue. Cuando
te quedás en casa; se queda con vos, silenciosa.
Está bajo tu piel. Late en tu corazón.
Nunca te deja en paz. Sos vos. Soy yo.
Te va a acariciar la mano cuando mueras.

Translated by Paula Galindez as part of the PTC’s Queer Digital Residency.

Poems from BANTAM by Jackie Kay. Copyright © 2017, Jackie Kay. All rights reserved.

Original Poem by

Jackie Kay

Translated by

Paula Galindez Language



United Kingdom