The Imaginary Road El camino imaginario

The Imaginary Road

If you can picture yourself on the road
The one that exists in your mind
If you can walk those steps again
You’ll be surprised at what you find.
The road that was in your head
Has already found you walking:
When you looked ahead,
It was your footsteps waiting.
Then you heard the song of the road,
Under the dirt and the dust,
Heard the song of the Delta blue
And found a song you already knew.
You were humming it.
It went like this.
There are roads there in the beginning;
Roads that take us to the end.
Roads that we can’t help loving -
The dips, turns and bends.
Whether it is gravel or old stone
A dust track, dirt or blues
Your life travels the roads
- the familiar and the strange.
There’s something about you now -
Small figure walking the track,
Growing into the distance
Avoiding the dips and the cracks,
Trying not to look back.
The road that was in your head
The road that was in your head
Is already up ahead.
The road that was your friend
Will be waiting in the end.
It will hold out a helping hand
As you draw your line in the sand.

El camino imaginario

El camino que tenías en mente
ya te supo encontrar caminando:
cuando miraste qué había al frente,
te estaban esperando tus pasos.
Y oíste la canción del camino,
bajo el polvo y la tierra,
oíste el blues que cantaba el delta
y encontraste una canción que sabías.
Tenemos caminos desde el principio;
caminos que nos llevan al final.
Caminos que no podemos no amar:
con sus cuestas, curvas y giros.
Algo te anda dando vueltas ahora,
pequeña silueta de la senda,
que hacia lo desconocido crece
que evita las cuestas y las grietas,
intentando no mirar lo que deja.
El camino que tenías en mente
el camino que tenías en mente
ya está allá, al frente.
El camino que te acompañaba
te esperará donde todo acaba.
Te dará la mano que necesites
cuando traces en la arena tu límite.

Translated by Paula Galindez as part of the PTC’s Queer Digital Residency.

Poems from BANTAM by Jackie Kay. Copyright © 2017, Jackie Kay. All rights reserved.

Original Poem by

Jackie Kay

Translated by

Paula Galindez Language



United Kingdom