Entropia en Wiesbaden Entropy in Wiesbaden

Entropia en Wiesbaden

Por el romano muro te asomaste
a ver la calle alemana
bajo la lluvia tenaz y declinante.
Lo que viste fue el bullicio, la fractal
escritura del desgaste europeo.
Mucho dinero, finas ropas,
edificios cuidadosos, gestos agrios,
mala comida -Goethe, en fin,
en su áulico, nemoroso
y patriarcal papel de santo doctus, poeta
Nada que contar de regreso,
nada sino la lluvia ahora pertinaz
y final. Un soplo del Espíritu Santo
entraba por la boca de los minutos-
pero tú, presente, más cuidadosa
que las Edades Medias
de la Selva Negra,
atestiguabas el sermón puritano
y el sedimento postindustrial,
las palabras eclipsantes
de cualquier académico, los consejos
de algún editor
despistado en Francfort. La entropía
se apoderaba de Wiesbaden
y tú renacías incesante
contra el fulgor del tiempo.

Entropy in Wiesbaden

You peeped out over the Roman wall
into the German street
battered by the slant, stubborn rain.
What you saw was Europe worn away,
its crowded, fractal script.
Lots of money, well-cut clothes,
prim dwellings, curt gestures,
ghastly food - and, finally Goethe
in his memorious, courtier mode,
patriarch, santo doctus, mode
of the all-enlightened poet.
Nothing to tell on your return
except for the now constant,
final rain. A breath of the Holy Spirit
entered the mouth of the passing moment -
but you, present, more diligent
with detail than the Middle Ages
of the Black Forest,
bore witness to the puritan sermon
and the post-industrial dust,
the overbearing views of
some academic, the counsel
of an editor astray
in Frankfurt. Entropy
engulfed Wiesbaden
while over and over you were reborn
against the blaze of time.
Jamie worked directly from the Spanish to translate David Huerta's poems, so we don't have literal versions for his translations.

Original Poem by

David Huerta

Translated by

Jamie McKendrick with Jamie McKendrick Language


