لوح Epitaph


در چشمان ميشی ات
آخرين نفس ِ
کدام ها می خوابد؟
نگاه کدام کودک
با ماشه ات خالی می شود؟
دلت برای کدام دوشيزه ی
         دل در کف ِ
         ی در خون می تپد؟ 
کوه مرد!
کدام تقدير
صخره از زير پا هايت می گيرد؟ 
سياه زلفان به خاک آلوده ات
نوک پستان های کدام زن را می سوزاند؟ 
نفس آخر تو
ته چشمان که آرام می گيرد؟


Whose dying breaths
are sleeping
in your hazel eyes?
What small child's gaze
goes blank at your trigger?
For what young girl,
            her heart in your palm,
            legs bloodied, does your heart beat?
Mountain man!
What fate will tear the cliffs
from under your feet?
What woman will feel her nipples burn
for your black curls in the dust,
what mother for her son?
Tell me,
in the depths of whose eyes
will your dying breaths find peace?


Whose last breath
will slumber
in your hazel eyes?
Which child's gaze
will go blank by your trigger?
For which maiden does your heart beat,
            whose heart is in your hand [i.e. she has given her heart to
ou, she loves you]
            whose feet are stained with blood?
Mountain man!
What fate
will pull the cliff out from under your feet?
Which woman's nipples will be burnt
by your dust-covered black curls?[1]
Tell me
at the bottom/in the depths of whose eyes
will your last breath find peace?

Note on the literal translation:

[1] This refers to a traditional saying among the mothers of men killed on the battlefield in Afghanistan, that they felt their nipples burning at the time their sons were killed. However, “women” could also refer to the warrior’s wife.

Zuzanna Olszewska, Literal Translator

Original Poem by

Shakila Azizzada

Translated by

Zuzanna Olszewska with Mimi Khalvati Language


