Her kadın kendi ağacını tanır Every woman knows her own tree

Her kadın kendi ağacını tanır

Sana geldiğimde
Siyah taşlarla örülmüş
O ıssız şehrin üzerinde açacak,
Bulduğum bir ağacın dallarına tüneyecek
Ve acıyla bağıracaktım.
Her kadın kendi ağacını tanır.
Uçtum o gece.
Karanlığın girmeye korktuğu şehri geçtim.
Gölge olmayınca ruh yalnızdı. Uludum.

Every woman knows her own tree

When I looked for you
I spread my wings over the city
built of black, abandoned stones,
found a tree and perched on its boughs
and shrieked with pain.
Every woman knows her own tree.
That night, I crossed a city
so black that darkness
feared to enter it.
My soul was lonely
without its shadow.
I howled.

Every woman knows her own tree

When I came to you
I was going to open my wings
over that abandoned city
walled in black stones,
find a tree and perch on its branches
and shriek with pain.
Every woman knows her own tree.
That night I flew.
I passed over the city that darkness feared to enter.
Having no shadow the soul
was lonely.
I howled.

Original Poem by

Bejan Matur

Translated by

Canan Marasligil with Jen Hadfield, Katherine Pierpoint Language


