Ishii Qurxda ka Dheregtey Eyes Brimming with Beauty

Ishii Qurxda ka Dheregtey

Garoowe, 2010
Badda Batarka
Maansadu waxay tilmaamaysaa gabadh Soomaaliyeed oo gu' barwaaqo ah baaddiye joogta.
Gugu waa gugii Ballaadhane ee sannadkii 1934tii.
Meeshuna waa Hawdka magaalada Burco.
Gabadha magaceedu waa Barni.
Gugu waa Ballaadhane,
Meeshu waa ballida Hawd
Burco meel galbeed ka ah,
Bancawl geeddi iyo laba
Bogox looga sii kaco
Bidixna loo janjeedhsado.
Barni weeye gabadhuna
Ma badnoo da'deeduna
Tobankii u buuxsamay
Toddobadi ku biirtiyo
Bilo raacay weeyaan.
Waa bilan tagoog dheer
Bilicsanoo la jecelyahay.
Deegaanku bari xalay;
Billowgii horreetaba
Idahaa baraarugay
Una baaqay naylaha,
Barni way maqleysoo
Waabberi bay toostoo
Bisinkiyo baryo Alley
Ku balleeysay subaxoo.
Baftadeedi xidhatoo
Beerkey ku laashoo
Ma laallaadin boqorkii
Waxay hawl ku baahdaba,
Haddan oo barqa ah dheer
Barni waxay dhex joogtaa
Bulshaweynta dooxada,
Halka rahu ka bu'ayoo
Buuqa isku darayoo
Shimbiruhu bulxamayaan
Biyo muguca weeyaan,
Adhyii oo barqaday baa
Berrimada is wada wadhay
Oo dharag bastood la ah,
Lo'dii baa bannaaxiyi,
Fardo baydda togayaa
Baarkiyo qanaantiyo
Bulkiyo saynta wada ridi,
Barbaarta geela jirataa
Bardooddiyeysa orodkoo
Bowdyo muruqyo adag iyo
Booddada libaaxa leh,
Baad jilicsan iyo doog,
Bar cuddoon nirgaha seexdoo
Isbarkaday dhammaanoo
Bulbusha kurusyada
Neecowdu baalbaashoo,
Markay ‘buuc' yiraahdaan
Ramag baasha dhow iyo
Barbarrada ka joogaa
Baaca dheer tusaayoo
Bogga uga dunuunuci,
Baarqabkuna ilaaliyo
Bidhaan eegid uu yahay
Gaadiidka baayiray
Owraha baruurtiyo
Baaxaddiyo laxaadka leh
Oo boodh iyo gelgelin tegeyoo
Ku baduugay raamsiga,
Barni daawashiyo qurux
Way bogatay maantaas.

Eyes Brimming with Beauty

Ballaadhane is the name of a spring
That flows into the small lake of Hawd
A place that's to be found to the west of Burco
A journey or two from Bancawl
From where you first travel east
Before turning your face to the west.
Barni is the name of a girl
The length of her time on earth
Is more than a decade -
Add seven more years
And a handful of months.
Beloved, she has beautiful ankles
Is graceful and charming.
After a peaceful night
Just before dawn
The sheep began to stir
Baaing to their lambs to wake them up.
Barni alone heard their calls
Because she woke with the dawn
Eager to be the first to say Allah's name
Before the sun had started to rise.
She pulled on her shift
That sits next to her skin
Then dressed in her boqor
Absorbed with her work
At the height of noon
Barni can be found
Down in the valley
This is the place where the frogs can be heard
Croaking and calling loudly to each other
Where birds tweet and chirrup all day
A place that is lush with plentiful rain.
Late in the morning the sheep and goats
Were splayed out on the grass
Completely exhausted from stuffing themselves
Cows were mooing contentedly
Horses stretched their legs
As they shook their manes and tails
Free of burrs and bristles.
The young camel herders arrive at a run
Flushed with youth and vigour
Their powerful thighs mean they can leap
As high as a lion pouncing on its prey
All around is good pasture and fresh green shoots
Baby camels sleep on soft grass
Using each other as pillows
The tufts on their humps
Swaying softly in the breeze
When the little ones bray
Their mothers come to kneel down next to them
They nuzzle them and stretch out their necks
Murmuring with a soothing sound
The male camels also stand guard
Scanning the distance
Relieved of their duties
All have gained in stature and weight
And grown big and strong
They roll together in the sand
And chew their food into cud
Transfixed by all these heavenly scenes
Barni felt she was brimming with beauty.

The Eyes That Have Had Enough Beauty

The name of the spring is Ballaadhane
The place is the ponds of Hawd
It is the west of Burco
One or two journey from Bancawl
From there you go to the east
And bestow privilege upon the west.
The name of the girl is Barni
The length of time she existed;
It is full ten years and plus
Another seven years added
Together with months,
She is loved and has beauty shanks
Appealing in a graceful way.
The settlement passed the night in peace;
At the start before anything else
The sheep emerged from state of sleep
Shouted to the young sheep to attract attention,
Barni was hearing it
She woke up in the dawn
Praying in the name of Allah
Being the first person to see the dawn.
Put on her calico
Fitting closely to the body
Not hang down the boqor
Deeply busy with work
And now as its midday
Barni is located in
The community at the valley,
Where the frogs make calls
Loud and persistent clamor,
And the birds sing cheerfully,
Water everywhere sourced from the rain
Late in the morning the sheep and goats
Lay on the green expanse
Suffering from being too full,
The cattle is mooing,
Horses spreading out their withers
And the mane and the tales
Throwing bristles and untidy hair,
And the youth camel herders
Running and vigorously active and strong
Having powerful thighs and muscles
Jumping like a lion along the ground in one leap,
Good pasture soft and fresh vegetation,
Young camel foals sleep on an even spot
All using one another as a pillow
The mane of the humps
Move gradually with the breeze
When they cry out
The she-camels who has recently given birth standing near by
And present at their sides
Showing their outstretched necks
Making a low continuous sound,
Stud camels also guarding them
And watch in the distance
The he-camel transport that never was
All gained weight
Are strong and very large
Go to dust and sand their bodies,
By chewing things smash to pieces;
Watching all these beautiful scenes
Barni had enough beauty that day.

Original Poem by

Axmed Shiikh Jaamac

Translated by

Maxamed Xasan ‘Alto’ with Sarah Maguire Language


