TÜY Feather


Ne kadar ağır değil mi
bir tüyü kaldırmak
Tutmak ellerinin arasında
ne büyük bir iş
Çünkü tüy, uçanın emaneti sana
başka tür bir hayatın kehaneti
ve bakma, aslında her kehanet de
bir iç bilgi teyidi
Bir hacıyatmaz noktası var omurgamda
vuruyorlar savruluyorum
ama düşmüyorum nispet gibi
sil baştan başlıyor hayat
bir ileri bir geri
Tepeden bir tüy süzülüyor
görünürde kuş yok, bir kendi gelmiş
bana konmaya
Bilirim, tüyler bana melek isşreti
Tutuyorum ellerimin arasında
hayat gibi


How heavy it is
to lift a feather
Laid across two palms
not letting it drop
What a weighty task
For this feather, entrusted to you by a creature of flight
portends another kind of life
but don’t be fooled, in truth, any portent
only confirms what you know inside
There is a wobbly point on my spine
they are hitting me I sway
but obstinate I do not fall
life starts up again at the beginning
one step forward one step back
From overhead floats down a feather
not a bird in sight, it came on its own
to perch on me
Feathers, I know, are signs sent to me by angels
I cup them in my hands
like life


How heavy isn’t it
to lift a feather
To hold between one’s hands
not letting it go
it is a big task
Because the feather, is entrusted to you by the one who flies
the prophecy of another type of life
and don’t be fooled, in reality every prophecy too
is the confirmation of an internal knowledge
There is an unstable point on my spine
they are hitting me I am scattering
but I am not falling obstinately
life starts over back to square one
one step forward one step backward
A feather is floating from above
no bird to be seen, only it came itself
to perch on me
I know, feathers are signs from angels to me
I am keeping inside my hands
like life

Unstable is not exact right translation here, because what she describes is this type of toy: https://vimeo.com/33145043 which I couldn’t find the English of.

Original Poem by

Karin Karakaslı

Translated by

Canan Marasligil with Sarah Howe, Canan Marasligil Language


