Kerbela dolunayı Full moon over Karbala

Kerbela dolunayı

Ve ay
Unutmak tepelerinden
Yükseliyor üzerimize,
Tarihte ilerleyen adanmışları gösteriyor
Yanılmış bir göğün altında beklerken
Sebepleri bilen ve susan.​

Full moon over Karbala

And above us
the moon
climbs clear of the summits of
to show the faithful marching on
under their misleading sky
which does
know why –
but does not speak

Full moon of Karbala

And the moon
From the tops/summits of forgetfulness
Rises above us,
It shows the devotees advancing in history
While waiting under a misapprehended firmament
Which knows the reasons and does not speak​

Original Poem by

Bejan Matur

Translated by

Canan Marasligil with Jen Hadfield Language


