চলে যাওয়া মানে প্রস্থান নয় Going

চলে যাওয়া মানে প্রস্থান নয়

চলে যাওয়া মানে প্রস্থান নয়- বিচ্ছেদ নয়
চলে যাওয়া মানে নয় বন্ধন ছিন্ন-করা 
আর্দ্র রজনী
চলে গেলে আমারও অধিক কিছু থেকে যাবে
আমার না-থাকা জুড়ে।
জানি চরম সত্যের কাছে নত হতে হয় সবাইকে-
জীবন সুন্দর
আকাশ-বাতাস পাহাড়-সমুদ্র
সবুজ বনানী ঘেরা প্রকৃতি সুন্দর
আর সবচেয়ে সুন্দর এই বেঁচে থাকা
তবুও কি আজীবন বেঁচে থাকা যায়!
বিদায়ের সেহনাই বাজে
নিয়ে যাবার পালকি এসে দাঁড়ায় দুয়ারে
সুন্দর পৃথিবী ছেড়ে
এই যে বেঁচে ছিলাম
দীর্ঘশ্বাস নিয়ে যেতে হয়
অজানা গন্তব্যে
হঠাৎ ডেকে ওঠে নাম না জানা পাখি
অজান্তেই চমকে ওঠি
জীবন, ফুরালো নাকি!
এমনি করে সবাই যাবে, যেতে হবে…


Going is not a parting – an ending,
going is not a tearing,
a tear-soaked night.
My goodbye will hold so much of me
while I’m gone.
I know everyone has to bow down to the cruel truth –
life is beautiful,
the sky and the air, the mountains and the sea,
all the green of nature is beautiful
and life most beautiful of all,
but can you live forever?
The shehnai plays you out,
the palki waits by the door.
Look at this beautiful world:
I was alive.
We all leave with a deep sigh,
wherever we go next.
Suddenly a strange bird cries
and startles me.
Is this the end of life?
Everyone will go like this, will have to go…

Leaving does not mean a departure

Leaving does not mean a departure - a separation
Leaving doesn't mean a torn down
wet night
My farewell will contain so much of me
throughout my absence.
I know everyone has to bow down to the ultimate truth-
life is beautiful
air mountain-sea
The greenery surrounded nature is beautiful 
And the most beautiful thing is to be alive
Yet can you live for forever!
The clarinet plays the goodbye song
The departing palanquin arrives by the door
Leaving this beautiful world
I was alive
Everyone has to take a deep sigh
with them
to an unknown destination
Suddenly an unknown bird cries
I unknowingly startle
Life, is this the end of it.
Everyone will go like this, will have to go...

As Shamim Azad told us, her friend Rudra Mohammad Shahidullah is a Bengali poet, notable for his romantic and revolutionary poetry. He is considered one of the remarkable poets of the 1970s. He was an ardent protester in the movements against the autocratic regimes after 1975.

However, the poem we translated together at Winchester Poetry Festival is about something closer to the heart. Rudra was unwell at the time he wrote ‘Going’, and the poem clearly looks ahead to the end of life and what could lie beyond. The poem could also be read as an elegy for his marriage: Rudra separated from his wife, noted feminist writer and poet Taslima Nasreen, in 1988, and we wondered whether there was an ironic or sarcastic edge to some of the lines.

Shamim suggested the poem’s tone is one of talking to yourself, and we tried to capture that in our word choices. We decided not to explain or translate the words for ‘shehnai’ (a musical instrument) and ‘palki’ (a litter or palanquin) in the poem, both of which are associated with weddings and funerals. We hope we did justice to this famous Bengali poet and friend of Shamim.

– Helen Bowell

Original Poem by

Rudra Mohammad Shahidullah

Translated by

Shamim Azad with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language
