Nonna Luna Grandmother Moon

Nonna Luna

Come una volta,
nonna Luna arriva
dalla finestra carica
di storie e memorie.
Coraggio figliola,
non aver paura,
ti farò compagnia
ovunque tu sia!
Nonna Luna
racconta e canta
poesie che fanno sentire
a casa nella terra straniera.       

Grandmother Moon

Like once upon a time
here comes grandmother moon
through the window
full of tales and memories.
Be brave, little one,
I'll keep you company
wherever you are!
Grandmother moon
tells stories and sings poems
that make us feel
at home in a strange land!

Like ‘Word’ this is another charming poem written by Ribka for her daughter to make her ‘feel at home in a strange land’. Here, she invokes the comforting feminine presence of the moon who’s familiarity provides a sense of continuity in a changed world.

The opening line of the poem, ‘Like once upon a time’ immediately indicates this is a poem for a child and its delicate simplicity was a real pleasure to translate.

Grandmother Moon

Like once upon a time,
grandmother moon came
from a window loaded
with stories and memories.
Be brave, little one,
don't be afraid,
I'll keep you company
wherever you are!
Grandmother moon
tells us stories and sings
poems that allow us to feel
at home in strange lands.

Original Poem by

Ribka Sibhatu

Translated by

André Naffis-Sahely with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


