در خانههای اجارهای In Rented Homes

در خانههای اجارهای

در خانههای اجارهای
لباست را میکَنی
بر رختآویز فلزیِ زنگ زدهای میآویزی
سرپاییهای چرمیِ نخنما را میپوشی
مکثی میکنی و بعد
صندلیِ چوبی انتظارش پُر میشود
چشمهایت را میبندی  باز میکنی
نمیدانی در کدام خانه نشستهای
شعری گفتهای از فرسایش تحمیلی اشیا

In Rented Homes

In rented homes
you take off your coat
hang it on the rusty metal hook
put on the tired leather slippers
pause and then
the wait of the wooden chair is filled
you close your eyes    open
you don’t know in which house you sit
writing a poem on the wearing down of objects

In Rented Homes

You take off your clothes
In rented homes
Hang them on the rusty metal hanger 
Put on the worn out leather slippers
Pause and then
The wait of the wooden chair is filled
You close your eyes and open
You don’t know in which house you have sat
And Written a poem of the wear and tear imposed on objects.

This is a simple, moving poem about the experience of transience; of never feeling at home. Alireza Abiz’s literal translation originally began ‘You take off your clothes […] Hang them on the rusty metal hanger’ but he explained this was about coming home from work, taking off your coat or work clothes and getting comfortable. We felt ‘clothes’ and ‘hanger’ implied stripping off completely! So we changed the hanger to a ‘hook’ and the ‘clothes’ to a more specific ‘coat.’

Again this is a poem full of personification. The slippers are as exhausted as their owner. The chair has been waiting all day. The English has a kind of accidental pun here – the weight of the sitter ends the chair’s wait – but after much discussion, we decided to just embrace this.

Clare Pollard – Poet Translator

In the second workshop on Iraj Ziayi, we managed to complete 3 short poems. ‘In Rented Homes’ is again a poem about the relationship of man with objects written in second person narrative for more immediate effect. The narrator- poet describes old and worn out objects, a rusty coat hook, tired slippers and the wooden chair who (the chair is personified) has been anxiously waiting for his return home. The surprise ending changes the poem from a poem about objects to one about the poet himself. The poet is deeply related to all these objects but has no connection with the home containing these objects. He even doesn’t remember which rented home he is writing this poem in.

Alireza Abiz – Literal Translator

Original Poem by

Iraj Ziayi

Translated by

Alireza Abiz with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


