מדינת אשכנז In the land of Ashkenaz

מדינת אשכנז

במדינת אשכנז השקד פורח
במדינת אשכנז מצפים לאורח
לא לשתף
רוחצים ידים בסבון וגם אז
נוגעים מרחוק
לא תוקעים כף
במדינת אשכנז אני אכל
חריף ובית חם
במדינת אשכנז אני מופלטה
אני חפלה
אני כבוד
אני עצלן
אני כל מה שלא היה פה פעם
כשהכל היה לבן
אני ההרס
השד המזין
העברין עם הכיפה
בבית המשפט
אני קיברי הצדיקים
אני ערס
אני יאללה
ומוזיקה זולה
תת תרבות
תת רמה
אני שרש עקש
וקוץ בתחת
אני שקרן
הרי הגזענות היא נחלת העבר
ומתה מזמן
אני לקחו לי שתו לי
אני סתם בכין
אני עצם
בלתי מזהה
תקוע לך כאן

In the land of Ashkenaz

In the land of Ashkenaz the almond tree blossoms
In the land of Ashkenaz they are expecting a guest
Not to stay
Washing hands with soap and even then
Touching at a distance
Not shaking hands
In the land of Ashkenaz I am spicy food
I am a cosy home
In the land of Ashkenaz I am a mofleta
I am Haflah
I am honour
I am lazy
I am everything that was not here before
When everything was white
I am the destruction
I am the slaughter
I am the armed fucking robbery
The crook with the kipah
In the court of law
I am the graves of holy men
And talismans
I am a pimp
I am clapping hands
And cheap music
Low culture
Low grade
I am a stubborn root
And a pain in the arse
I am a liar
Because racism is a relic of the past
And long dead
I am: ‘they sucked me dry’
I am just a crybaby
I am a bone
Grafted to you here

In the land of Ashkenaz

In the land of Ashkenaz the almond tree blossoms
In the land of Ashkenaz expecting a guest
Not a partner
Washing hands with soap and also thus
Touching from afar
Not shaking hands
In the land of Ashkenaz I (am) a mofleta
I (am) an Arab celebration 
I (am) honour
I (am) lazy
I (am) everything that was not here before
When everything was white
I (am) the destruction
I (am) the slaughter
I (am) the fucking/armed robbery
The criminal with the kipah
In the house of the law
I am graves of holy men
And lucky charms
I (am) a pimp
I (am) clapping hands
And cheap music
Low culture
Low level
I (am) a stubborn root
And a pain in the ass
I (am) a liar
Because racism is an inheritance of the past 
And dead a long time
I (am) they took me they drank me
I (am) only a crybaby
I (am) a bone 

Our translator Micha Meyers told us that Roy Hasan is influenced by hip-hop, and has referenced Jay-Z and the Wu-Tang Clan. You can hear it in the tumbling rhythms of this poem, as well as the ferocity with which he deconstructs the racism and classism aimed at the Mizrachi by the Ashkenaz (Jews of European descent). Hassan is part of a movement known as ‘Ars Poetica’– a pun as “Ars” is a derogatory term in Hebrew slang often used to describe young Mizrahim and originally meaning “pimp.” Here he both seems to claim the name and ironise it, declaring: ‘I am a pimp’ and ‘a pain in the arse’.

It was absolutely fascinating to hear some of the Ashkenaz in our workshop group (including Micha himself) talk about Ashkenaz traditions (apparently a common proverb is: ‘a guest is welcome like fresh fish, after three days he stinks‘). There was also a sense that thanks to artists like Hassan, attitudes are thankfully shifting.

– Clare Pollard

The PTC would like to thank Tangier Publishing for helping us contact Roy Hasan.

Original Poem by

Roy Hasan

Translated by

Micha Meyers with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


