Just a Little Hope Is Needed

Just a Little Hope Is Needed

Just a little hope is needed
like a ray of sun
shining in the earth
like the taste of wet stone
in the water
like a fish leaping
on wet sand
Just a little hope is needed
like a song remembered
in the throat of a mute
like a sigh
stopped in the chest
like the longing of an insect
clinging to glass
like thirst
drowned in the river-bed
Just a little hope is needed

Just a Little Hope Is Needed

Just a little hope is needed
Like a sun-ray
Shining in the soil
Like the taste of
damp stone in the water
like the writhing of  fish
on wet sand
Just a little hope is needed
Like the memory of a song
In a mute’s throat
Like soft breath
Caught in the chest
Like the craving of an insect
Stuck to the glass
Like thirst drowned
In the river-bed
Just a little hope is needed

Original Poem by

Gagan Gill

Translated by

Lucy Rosenstein with Jane Duran Language


