Sirta Nolosha Life’s Essence

Sirta Nolosha

Saaxiibkayow heedhe
Safar baan ka imi dheere
Marka hore salaan diirrran
Marka xiga samow heedhe
Ha ka nixin si-dalagtayda
Sacab fara-madhnaantayda
Suugaanta yaabkeeda
Salka iyo fadhaa keena
Marka xiga sugnaanteeda
Socodkiyo falkaa sheega
Xeerkeedu waa saase.
Saaxiibkayow heedhe
Anba saaka qaybteeda
Sirsirraan ka joogaaye
Xadhiggiyo bal eeg suunka
Iyo sabarka gaadiidey
Iyo salabka ii qaaran
Iyo suudha guudkayga
Hilaygiyo waxaan saabka
U gilgiley Samaw haanta
Subag inay ku dhiiqdaaye
Saasay ku badisaaye
Sannad weliba xeeshiiye
Kol hadday silloonaato
Samaheedu waa dhiige
Sumuc talada loo dhiibye
Sida sida sidaas weeye
Si la yeeli jirey weeye
Marka xiga Samaw heedhe
Talo sibiq dhaqaaqeeda
Soof-daran habawgeeda
Sal-fudaydka hooggiisa
Bal sallaankan fuul laalan
Iyo sagabtan heensaysan
Dhulka saas u jeedaali
Sidan iyo sidaas fiiri
Sidan iyo gadaal dheeho
Raqda solan lafaa soogan
Bal su’aal u celi meydkan
Sababtuu u go’ay raadi
Bal dhegeyso saylaanka
Iyo salowga beer-qaadka
Iyo sebiga yeedhiisa
Waxaad aragtay oo saasa
Waxaad maqashayoo saasa
Maxaad odhan lahayd Suudi?
Samalaho furfuriddooda
Godka seer-ma weydaanka
Marka ay sabbuux gaadho
Si kalaan u dhigi taase
Saaxiibkay Waayaale
Suurtuu dhalaay heedhe
Heedhee Sahraay heedhe.
Waxaan adiga kuu saantay
Dadka kaaga soo soocay
Sahra kuugu yeedh-yeedhay
Siduu aabbahaa heedhe
Samo ii faraan heedhe
Kuu siinayaa heedhe
Sooyaalka taariikhdu
Iyadaan salguurayne
Murtidaan Sahraay heedhe
Sadar kuugu qorayaaye
Heedhee Sahraay heedhe
Curad suubbaneey heedhe
Summadii Rashiid yeelo
Iyo weynidii Saado
Iyo sawracii hooyo
Sinjigii hablaa geeska
Subaxdii indhaa kuulo
Tintu saqafta yay waayin
Iyo diibka loo saaro
Subko oo xayaabayso
Korka siigo yey taaban
Ku illaali saabuunta
Dharku siifad yuu yeelan
Suyac iyo bar gaasheysan
Ku ilaali saahoodka
Garashadu Sahraay ruuxa
Sed u gaara weeyaane
Hadduu saamigaas yeeshay
Qurux ma leh saluuggeedu
Dadku siigga dida maaha
Sogob iyo ri’weyn maaha
Sumal iyo laxdiis maaha
Rati iyo sabeen maaha
Falka iyo sugnaantiisa
Socodkiyo abbaaartiisa
Dhaqan sida xishoodkiisa
Dabar iyo silsilad haysa
Iyo suun ma dhaafaan ah
Wuxuu soofka xoolaaba
Kaga soocan yahay weeye
Waxan uga socdaa heedhe
Naftu seeto yey waayin
Hana falin sidaad doonto
Hadalkana sar weedhiisa
Una saaf qofkii waaya
Ha ka tegin sarbeebtiisa
Hana gelin sursuur oodan
Hana lumin sargoyntiisa
Hana liqin sangaabtiisa
Ha ku saxan badheedhkiisa
Runta sogordoh haw yeelin
Ha suldaarin dooddiisa
Sisibaa wadaaggiisa
Sababee abbaartaada
Hana badin su’aashiisa
Sarrifkiyo tilmaantiisa
Saddex erey halkii dooni
Soddon yaanay kaa qaadan
Siddi-qabaxi yay raacin
Sare haw dhig-dhigin luuqda
Gacantana ha saydh-saydhin
Hana odhan wax sawliila
Heedhee Sahraay heedhe
Sarta hilibka dheehaaga
Samaydaada dhererkaaga
Sarajooga muuqaaga
Sanqaroorka jaahaaga
Dahab iyo xariir saran
Uma baahna saantaadu
Hadda silis ha xidhan maaha
Luquntana ha sudhin mahaa
Waxan uga socdaa heedhe
Marka aad sunuud hayso
Waxa suuq mug-weyn yaalla
Ha la simin kitaab weeye
Hurdo iyo Sahraay jiifka
Marka hore sariir raadi
Salli iyo furaash dayday
Saddexdaba hadaad weydo
Lama seexan kari waayo
Hadda saantu qodox maaha
Suugaantu gogol weeye.
Ninku qaday Sahraay tiisa
Hadduu seed liqliqiddeeda
Ku saruurad goyn waayo
Subag iyo baruur doono
Sidu jecelyahaa been ah
Dhadhan iyo sibraar kayda
Sidig caanaheedaa leh
Badar iy sarreen shiidan
Iyo sixin ku iidaaman
Wax la cuno sabiib baa ah
Nin samaystay baa faan leh
Waxaad haysataa saasa ah
Ka sokow intaan sheegay
Hadda soortu dacar maaha
Dharku Saadhi qudha maaha
Saylooni garan maaha
Iyo sabarandaa giiran
Mana aha surwaal biid ah
Haddaan saarku kuu diidin
Saddex-qaydu ceeb maaha.
Heedhee Sahraay heedhe
Sar daruuran oo maasa
Mar Abu Sarmaantiiya
Dhacle baarka loo seesay
Boqor wada xiyaakhaysan
Sildiyaal jiljila dhiibsan
Tusbax dhawr sagaal laaba
Iyo qool sunaar dheehan
Subeciyad xiddiyo laaf leh
Adigoo siddeeddaas hal
Iyo timaha oo soohan
Ku darsaday sifaa guudka
Garashiyo sarriig sheegtay
Ma qofkaa sitaa jooga.
Hadda salamadhlow gaabi
Ha ku jabin saqlaa waalan
Sallow ololka hoy jooji
Ha saloolan xayndaabka
Ha ku bixin saloognaanta
Ha sarriiran waayeelka
Sakatiga ka daa beesha
Saha iyo af kala qaadka
Ha ka nixin hiddaa suubban.
Gabdhayahow sidee waaye
Ilbaxnimadu saas maaha
Hadba suf karkaro maaha
Sararaha bannee maaha
Qorqor suunniyaa maaha
Dhabanada sibbaaq maaha
Sanka oo la mudo maaha
Sakhrad iyo xashiish maaha
Sawir iyo riyaaq maaha
Filin iyo sarcaad maaha
Saxan reer galbeed maaha
Kabo sookal dheer maaha
Suuriyo durduro maaha
Salsalaw cid kale maaha
Qof silloon ku dayo maaha
Wax sawaaban noqo maaha
Sinta iyo lafaa duudka
Saddex goor jejebi maaha
Dhaqankaaga saydh maaha
Soomaali diid maaha
Sidaad doonto yeel maaha
Dhulka oon ku sidi waayin
Samadoo la koro maaha
Xilliyada wax saareenka
Iyo saacadaa reebban
Sabbadiyo rugtay joogtey
Gabadh timi ma saalloona
Ku salliya Rasuulkiina (C.S.W)
Salka dhiga guryaa seexda.
Sunsun falan siddaha feyda
Sati fudud salaan sheegan
Indha suhub af geed saarrey
Hadba surin ka sheekeeya
Sidan iyo sibaas yeela
Ereyada saluuuggoo dhan
Kuma lihid Sahraay meella.
Sunbo iyo maraadaa leh
Inta sibiq dhaqaaqdaa leh
Sagan daaqa jiitaa leh
Inta marinka seegtaa leh
Waxba aan sugeyn baa leh
Inta sharafta saydhaa leh
Suuraafta maqan baa leh
Xadhig lama sitaan baa leh
Saca Faarsa nacay baa leh
Barni sumal xadkeedaa leh
Heedhe Sahraay heedhe
Suugaantu iib maaha
Erey iyo sunnee maaha
Hugun iyo sitaad maaha
Siddi iyo I daya maaha
Sadho iyo xajiin maaha
Laba saaq ku gado maaha
Waxan seylad gelin weeye
Sahdi iyo dareen weeye
Bulsho saaasaheed weeye
Samaheeda mudan weeye
Sawdkeeda diga weeye
Sacabkeeda kulul weeeye
Marna baadi sooc weeye
Sahan iyo tilmaan weeye
Dhaxal soo jireen weeye
Wax ku saabsan meel weeye
So’da iyo ka guro dhuuxa.
Heedhee Sahraay heedhe
Sirta noloshu xoog maaha
Dhagar iyo suryee mahaa
Surma seegto dedan maaha
Sibqi iyo hunguri maaha
Sacab iyo ka leef maaha
Sukhrad iyo fal xumo maaha
Hadba seeb u rogo maaha
Salfo iyo ku faan maaha
Damac iyo sandaho maaha
Derejiyo saldano maaha
Saro io dhalaal maaha
Sidan iyo sidaas maaha
Hadda sadadu lacag maaha
Heedhee Sahraay heedhe
Bulsho saami loo tuurtay
Shan siyood wax loo yeelay
Samir inay xigtaan maaha
Surka inay dhigtaan maaha
Sas inay didaan maaha
Inay suudalaan maaha
Sardho inay galaan maaha
Sixir inay dirtaan maaha
Inay kala saftaan maaha
Nin I sugayayow heedhe
Anigoo ku sugey heedhe
Maxaad ii sugtaa heedhe?
Heedhee Sahraay heedhe
Marka haaddu socod deyso
Dhirta sare tukuu fuulo
Gorayadu sanqadha reebto
Adna soonka xidho maaha
Mugdi talada sii maaha
Berri iyo siday doonto
Sug cadceedda maqan maaha
Saqda dhexe habeen soocan
Gudcur simay adduunkeenna
Wax siraata noqo weeye
Heedhee Sahraay heedhe
Saran seerka jiilaalka
Surbacaadka jaahweynta
Sumal-haadka roob waaga
Iyo solanka daaduunka
Cirka oo sabaad guurey
Dhulka oo huwadey siigo
Iyo dogobbo soogsoogan
Marka beladu sooyaanto
Saadaashu beenowdo
Saca nuguli kaa leexdo
Adna sebenka raac maaha
Inan sabadu duugoobin
Sayax iyo ugbaad waayin
Sudda iyo degaankaagu
Surmi iyo harraad leeyan
Ama saacu guur-guurin
Sohda ceelku dheeraannin
Adaa yeeli kara saasba.
Heedhee Sahraay heedhe
Saxariirka aafaadka
Saxallada kal-meerkooda
Sambabkuba col weeyaane
Marka saymo loo iisho
Ama soofku jaan qaado
Ushu way sabooshaaye
Ha ku dagan sidsidadkeeda
Qalinkaa wax suureeya
Kugu sima halkaad doonto
Saaxiib kal furan weeye
Sunto fara ku hayntiisa
Weligaa ha sii deynin.
Sisin iyo ku beer muufo
Iyo laanta saytuunka
Ku qotomi sungaan waarta
Iyo nabadda seeskeeda
Samo iyo ku doon heedhe
Dunidiyo sinnaanteeda
Ku dawee sawaaceenka
Iyo siica daacuunka
Ku burburi sarbaa mooska
Iyo soohdimaa meersan
Ku midee samuud raaca
Midabada la sooc soocay
Dadkan tobanka saamood leh
Weligaa ha tumin seefo
Iyo sabaradaha mowdka
Dar samaysan baa yaalla
Sancayahan gaboobaa leh
Sahankaynu diranaa leh
Nin sokeeyeheenaa leh
Ninka sida xilkeennaa leh
Ka sarjara heddeennaa leh
Salab ciiddu hayn weydey
Ninka sudhay xiddigahaa leh
Nin sabuul la aayaysto
Dhulka siib ku ridin baa leh
Nin Sahraay adduunkeenna
Sacad gubi karaa haysta
Ninka sigay kun jeer baa leh
Waxa nolosha saameeya
Sako nimaan ka bixin baa leh
Nafta saawa-saawaysan
Santi nimaan ku furan baa leh
Nin aqoonta soorkeeda
Sida kale u rogey baa leh
Ninka sulubka maadhiinka
Ugu roon saboolkaa leh
Nin samaa ku adag baa leh
Sannadkaynu caydhowney
Kaynu suus ka weynaa leh
Naftu waa sir xeel dheere
Nimaan suubin Karin baa leh
Wedka qudha sameeyaa leh
Sulda iyo xanuunkeeda
Shalay iyo sadaaddeeda
Iyo saawihii hoogga
Naxdintii badh baa suuxsan
Selelkii badh baa waashay
Dad sawaaban baa buuxa
Dumar waayey saygooda
Hengashii sidaa muuqda
Ololkii badh baan seexan
Sarihii dumaa jiifa
Qabrigii sinmaa jeexan
Waxa saaka joogow ah
Surrad baa I guud taalla
Salabkii horaa tuuran
Samadiyo dhulkaa buuxa
Baddu waa sakalo miidhan
Qalab suruc leh baa laalan
Sanqadhuhu hub kacay weeye
Sabarkii dadkaa baahan
Saantii dadkaa qaawan
Weli talo ma saalloona
Waxa soo socdaa yaab leh
Wershed suufiyaa daaran
Waxay soo siddaa geeri
Midhaheedu waa saymo
Belo aan fan seeraarka
Saxar loo mar-maran weeye
Waxan ahay qof cayn saaban
Deldelaad u sudhan jeebka!
Allow yaa wax suureeya
Salka dunida yaa dhawra
Iyo seeska jiriddeeda
Wacanaa sansaankeedu
Badanaa sudaaddeedu
Saxanaa hannaankeedu
Allow yaan sugnaanteeda
Saymiyo u rogin duullan
Subax noolba dhiig daata
Xadhig iyo silsilad shiilan
Allow yaan sinnaanteeda
Ku beddelin saraar oodan
Iyo seere wiil qaytey
Dadka saran guudkeeda
Yaan ka dhigin sabool qaawan
Iyo soobir caydh jooga
Erey sami wuxuu gooyo
Allow yaan ku jarin soodhka
Garashada ka dhigan seefo.
Allow yaa su’aashaasi
Sida ay u tahay yeela.
Heedhee Sahraay heedhe
Dhulka iyo wixii saran
Sare iyo wixii laalan
Inta sudan intii seemman
Waxa jira sir iyo caadba
Rabbi qudha sax weedhiisa
Sida uu ku yidhi buuxi
Waxa hadhay salka iyo baarka
Inta sool qarsoon joogta
Inta seel xidhxidhan jiifta
Inta saydha waabayda
Maroodiga siddaa dheer leh
Wiyil iyo sahboodkeeda
Inta laga subxaanaysto
Kolay tahay libaax sayn leh
Marka aad Sahraay meel fog
Uga suul-dhabaaleyso
Deg-deg inay sujuuddaada
Suxullada dhigtaan weeye!
Sidashada awooddaasi
Sahal io wax fudud maaha
Qofba waa si garadkiisa.
Heedhee Sahraay heedhe
Badda iyo sulaaqeeda
Iyo buurta saysaaban
Onkodkiyo sawaxankiisa
Salowgiyo jibaadkiisa
Danabkiyo salsalihiisa
Sarka dhabanka duufaanka
Ha ka didin sawaxankooda
Duni kuu sakhiran weeye
Sayid baad u tahay caana
Suubaali oo layli
Ku sasabo aqoontaada
Senge iyo ka dhigo doonni
Sallo iyo ka dhigo oori
Gabadh weeye caad saran
Badi saayiraadeeda
Iyo laab salaaxeeda
Guro saadka guudkeeda
Iyo sahayda uurkeeda
Kordhi noole soorkeeda
Iyo baahi saarkeeda
Hubi nabad sugnaanteeda
Iyo sabo negaanteeda
Ha ku deyin xannun saaqa
Ha ku badin saqaaf ciiddan
Suluf iyo colaad waarta
Ha ku saaxin naabaalka
Iyo sulubka baaruudda
Ha ku didin sabbeeyaanka
Sabareynka boodbooda
Iyo sukhula naareedka
Ha la dhicin sawaariikhda
Iyo saanadaa miiggan
Ha sumayn macaankeeda
Salabaha ha marin doogga
Ha burburin sansaankeeda
Quruxdiyo sureerkeeda
Ha sadhayn hagoogteeda
Sagalkiyo daruurteeda
Ha sukuumin uunkeeda
Saryankiyo ugaadheeda
Ha furfurin sin-dadabkeeda
Ha ka rogin dul saarkeeda
Udubbada ha siibsiibin
Ha afuufin suurkeeda
Subax qudha ha duuduubin
Sakaraadka taaheeda
Uga xilo samaanteeda
Sacabkiyo mashxaraddeeda
Garashadu mid soofaysa
Ha ka dhign sadqaynteeda
Ha ku solo wanaaggeedu
Ku sin inan-dumaalkeeda
Kuwa saadanbee laalan.
Heedhee Sahraay heedhe
Seben tegey xusuustiisa
Raad raaca Siinleyda
Socod barashadii doodad
Saxarliyo abbaarteeda
Anigaan wax saaraynin
Sannad iyo garaadkiisa
Saadaashu been weeye
Waxba samir ma liileeyo
Ha sarwicin qof kaa jeeda
Hana sugin nin kaa maarmay
Hana sigan mar mooyaane.
Nin ku siray ha faallaynin
Sababana ha weydiinnin
Ha u seeta dheeraynin
Hana sidin culayskiisa
Siriq iyo ku qabo baydo
Hana falin siduu yeelay.
Nin ku yidhi anaa saasa
Ha ku odhan sidaas weeye
Sida uu ku yidhi heedhe
Haddii ay siniin weydo
Ama sarin sanaan weydo
Waxa furan sidaas maaha
Qof saluugey maankiisa
Ama suufay muuqiisa
Ka sal kacay xaqiiqdiisa
Qabku saami ladha maaha
Nin sitaba bar baa saran
Ninka sii sitaa jooga
Raggannimada sooceeda
Adigoo sagaal buuxshey
Hal ku seegay baa yaalla.
Sogotiga qof tegayaa leh
Si hadday u dhici weydo
Si kalaa u waan waan ah
Dunidaa sidaas yeesha.
Sooryana qof yimi baa leh
Si hadday u noqo weydo
Si kalaa u waaceen ah
Dad horaa sidaad yeelay.
Nin salaad u kacay oogan
Sahwi galay xalaaleeye
Adna sahankan beel loogan
Ha ka dhigin socdaal baada
In halkii sal hayn waayo
Laga saba rogtaa doora
In su’aal jawaabteeda leh
Lala sara kacaa fiican
Nin ku yidhi sinnaan mayno
Adna buri sarrayntiisa
Sidka waa wadaagtaane
Ma sagaashan baa tiisu.
Selelkaba hurdaa keenta
Haba seexan goor baas leh
Han sareedo loo waayey
In saraayo loo daayo
Sida aan u idhi weeye
Bela saacaddeed joogta
Sabti nabada haw riixin
Subax dhalatay caadkeeda
Ha ka bogan wax saarkeeda
Adiguba samee maanta
Berritona sargoo heedhe
Noloshaba inaad saafto
Qaabayso saabkeeda
Waxaan suura gelin maaha
Garashiyo sugnaan hoyso
Falka sami ha kuu raaco
Mana jiro sed kaa baaqday
Ilbaxnimadu saas weeye
Sirta noloshu taas weeye.

Life’s Essence

Life's Essence
Say you'll pay heed, my friend,
now I'm back from that journey.
First things first, warm greetings,
but second, Rashid, listen to me:
don't look perplexed that I rush in
empty handed, lacking a poem,
poetry delivers its wonders
when we're seated and settled,
its full perfection follows
walking and watchfulness -
such are its laws.
So say you'll pay heed, my friend,
to the part I played this morning
on the battlefield at Sirsirraan:
see my weariness from the road
and the dirt on my body,
my uniform and bandolier
and the weapon I shoulder.
For the ghee to flow smoothly,
dear friend, the churn requires
its wadding well-fitted, its lid to be tight:
so too the poem yields.
But each year has its own luck
and once things go this badly
we can only expect blood.
When guns take charge
that's the way it is,
that's the way it always is.
Mark me, Rashid, and listen:
decisions made rashly, in haste,
that take us in the wrong direction,
such lack of wisdom leads to destruction.
Take a look from my mind's ladder
and see the catastrophe unfold;
look this way and that,
before us and behind:
survey the whole land.
Try to ask the slaughtered bodies,
drying corpses and scattered bones
the reason for their deaths;
listen to the screams that answer,
the heart-piercing groans
and the children's wails:
if that's what you saw,
if that's what you heard,
Rashid, what would you do?
If I could have composed in the summer
or beneath the star that brings in Spring
or the month thereafter,
I would have written differently.
Now pay heed, eldest daughter
of my oldest, wisest friend,
hear me, Sahra, and pay heed:
here's why I've chosen you
apart from all the others
and call to you, Sahra, calling
as your father calls me
to impart his advice - listen,
I'll give you mine. Hear me:
history's happenings
are constant in their contents,
so listen to their wisdom, Sahra,
I write it here in lines for you:
hear me, Sahra, and pay heed,
wise eldest daughter, listen:
match Rashid's mark,
take after your mother's brilliance,
Saado's loftiness - that sign
of the women of the Horn.
So each morning frame your eyes with kohl,
ensure your hair shan't miss the comb:
set it in the finest style.
Let no smutch fall on your body,
apply fine cream to it
and take care of it with soap.
Your clothes should have neither bad smells
nor mustiness nor careless spots:
infuse them with frankincense.
Sapience is a gift, Sahra,
given uniquely to people,
and once its value is seen
there are no grounds to grumble.
We are other than the running antelope,
the billy-goat and the nanny-goat,
the tupping ram and the ewe;
other than the camel and the lamb.
Our form and its perfections,
our walk and its purpose,
the courtesies that guide our behaviour,
are protected by checks and restraints,
by limits that should not be passed:
that's what divides us
from any beast that treads the earth.
My emphasise here is
life should not be without limits,
we can't just do as we please.
Always weigh your words well;
make things clear to the uncomprehending.
Don't forget your similes and figures,
nor get into confusion's cul-de-sacs
losing your argument's thread;
don't swallow its essence.
Avoid hesitation - the clarity
of your facts should not sit in the shade.
Your argument must be plain,
so take care of its coherence.
Your approach must be reasoned;
so limit your questions
whenever making key points.
If three words suffice
don't stretch things to thirty.
Leave boastfulness behind:
don't speak haughtily
or wave your arms dismissively -
never utter an unbecoming speech.
Hear me, Sahra, and pay heed:
the skin that covers your flesh,
your body's well-formed frame,
your goodly constitution
and the beauty of your countenance -
your lovely skin does not require
covering in silk and gold.
This doesn't mean never to place
a necklace over your head:
All I want to emphasise is
should you only possess pennies
everything they display in the market
doesn't compare with the Book.
Similarly with sleep, Sahra:
the first thing may well be to get a bed,
to seek out mat and mattress,
but if you can't get all three,
you still needn't go without rest:
an animal hide is not strewn with thorns
and virtue is sufficient to furnish you with sleep.
Sahra, if someone goes without food,
then swallows tough meat
and isn't satisfied,
wishing for ghee and lamb's fat,
that desire is for the unobtainable.
The taste of the full milk vessel
from the milk-bearing camel,
the millet and ground maize,
fine ghee for flavour and fat raisins -
those are best to eat, and he
whose work produces all this is worthy of pride.
What you produce like this is also worthy,
but should you have less, still,
sorghum is not as bitter as aloes.
Hear me, Sahra, and pay heed:
leatherwear from cured hides,
cloth of Abu Samaanta,
the well-woven girdle
and the finely embroidered shawl,
beautifully-trimmed material from Sind,
beads that can be wound
around the neck nine times
and a delicately coloured coat -
though you are clad in all this finery
and your hair is braided,
if we add to these your fine looks,
your wisdom and good manners
the elegance of your confident gait,
is there anyone who could compare?
Don't be like that show-off, the secretary bird,
which can't slow down for recklessness:
bird, stop trumpeting so loud;
don't climb the unsafe fence,
driven by conceit and impatience;
don't shout at your elders
or sow discord in the community
till mouths gape with bewilderment;
don't shun your upright tradition.
Young women, call this what you will,
it is neither seemly nor civil -
culture is not swatches of rags,
not the bearing of breasts;
it is not the plucking of eyebrows,
nor the thickly painted cheek,
nor the piercing and piercing of noses;
it is not drunkenness nor hashish.
Seemliness is not the chasing of chimeras
nor the camera's stunning spectacle,
not the disk filled with foreign songs.
It's not high heel shoes,
nor whims and fecklessness;
not the defaming of others
nor imitating the shallow-minded;
Civility is not making yourself a mockery.
It's not the deliberate swinging of hips
to attract attention;
it's not the slinging away of culture,
of what makes you Somali;
it's not a matter of do as you will -
when the earth is still content to hold you,
why try to leap into the heavens?
That woman who in the wrong season
and at the unwise hour
heads back to her home
has put herself in harm's way:
praise your Prophet,
act calmly, be timely.
Some may rush headlong with skirts raised
ramble heedlessly and greet anyone,
gape thoughtlessly while gabbling away,
gossip at the end of every alley,
do any and everything without restraint -
but none of these deplorable categories
describe you in any way, Sahra.
You and those self-possessed like you
who are careful in their restraint:
all young women of your character,
my words are not for you.
But the witless and the wandered,
those who drift aimlessly
cut off from the crowd;
those who lose the right path,
unable to wait for anything;
those who have discarded decency,
given themselves to loitering,
useless as an untied rope, they are like
the cow that rejects the unsweet well
who two days later will die of thirst.
Hear me, Sahra, and pay heed:
the well-made poem has no price,
it's no jumble of words,
not just drums and empty songs,
nor shaking hips and showing off;
it's not some itch or an insomnia -
it isn't bought for tuppence.
It is that which can't be bought at mart,
that anxiety, those emotions,
it mirrors the people's needs
and bears their well-being worthily;
it is the warning cry,
the hand that wards off danger,
it never picks one over another,
but points out the correct path;
it is the past's inheritor,
it is always to the point - select from it
the essential flesh and marrow.
Hear me, Sahra, and pay heed:
life's essence is not got by force,
it is not aggression and persecution,
nor setting deceitful traps;
it is not gulping and gluttony
and greedy licking of the fingers;
it is not sottish or sinful deeds,
shiftlessly shifting between things;
it is not an empty arrogance,
not overreaching nor baseless pride;
it is not pretending to a title,
not grand houses and glamour,
neither this foolishness not that folly -
benevolence is not a currency.
Hear me, Sahra, and pay heed:
where the people are purposefully exploited
and persecuted in every possible way,
they should not cling to patience,
nor stretch out their necks on the block;
they should neither start at shadows
nor let themselves scatter;
they should neither sleep too deeply
nor expect deliverance by magic;
they should not set one against another.
Those who wait for deliverance from me
when I waited for you for so long:
what is it you are really waiting for?
Hear me, Sahra, and pay heed:
when the birds stop flying,
when the crow climbs to the top of the tree
and the ostrich stops pounding the earth,
you needn't stop too - don't trust
to blind instinct for your decisions,
leaving tomorrow to do as it may;
don't wait dumbly for the sunrise -
when the earth is engulfed in darkness,
in the middle of that night,
you must be the beacon.
Hear me, Sahra, and pay heed:
when winter's bitterness bites home
and the whole country tastes dryness;
when rainlessness troubles the people
and scorched grass is rampant;
when the sky won't yield a cloud
and the earth is walked by whirlwind;
when trees become naked posts
and bad luck haunts us all;
when our hopes come to nothing,
and even the docile cow grows restive -
you needn't do as these do.
So that the land isn't worn out,
lacking moisture and fresh rain,
or your locality and neighbourhood
experience famine and drought,
don't wait for rain's wandering season
or set the wells at too far a trek
you are capable of solving this.
Hear me, Sahra, and pay heed:
when calamities prevail
and prospects are upturned;
when diseases become fatal
and you succumb to hardship;
when herds lack direction
and the crook is just a stick - don't be
disheartened by these dreadful sights.
The pen will give wise counsel
and direct you to your goal;
it is your unfailing friend,
so always keep it to hand
and never let it go. As though
you planted sesame and cereal with it,
and the stalk of the guava,
let it set down lasting good sense
and encompassing peace;
let it seek out well-being,
equality across the entire world,
let it heal all sicknesses,
that old killer cholera;
let it flatten all fences
and the boundaries that hedge us in;
let it gather the misguided,
divided by the colour of their skins,
people who follow many flags.
Never attempt the forging of swords
and implements of death -
there are plenty of those already,
welded by experienced smiths,
wielded by those explorers we chose
from amongst our own ranks
whom we trusted with our fates,
who plan out our paths.
Those weapons the earth can't bear,
who took them into the heavens
but someone who doesn't sow a seed
or nurture a single sheaf?
Sahra, the one who owns arms
and can set the world in flames within an hour
has put it at risk a thousand times.
Serious crises that threaten life itself
are in the keeping of one who contributes least;
life, sorrowful and suffering,
belongs to the man who doesn't give a cent.
The full fruitfulness of knowledge
he has turned to other ends;
he who gives the weapons of destruction
so generously to the poor,
who finds it difficult to do good,
has the power to turn nature on its head.
And in the year of our destitution
he wouldn't give us a bowl of millet.
Life's essence is so profound, yet it belongs
to someone who cannot pierce its surface
and is only capable of killing.
The unbearable suffering of Sula,
that havoc the battle has left us in
yesterday and for many days to come,
half of us traumatised with fear,
half out of their wits with the horror;
some cast into unaccustomed states
like the widowed women I saw
wearing their mourning dresses;
others sleepless among
the burning flames, buildings flattened,
the mass graves still gaping -
all this I left behind this morning,
but carry its burden in my brain.
Used weapons lie in heaps,
shells hit the ground, fill the heavens,
sow the seas with danger;
the alarum of armaments looms,
we listen as they discharge lead -
the people have no provisions,
their bodies go bare;
no command can comfort them,
they are barraged with bewilderment;
the mad factory keeps manufacturing
though all it can deliver is death;
it churns out devastation and tragedy,
which, in order to occur
requires only the slightest excuse -
I come to you like a condemned man
who carries his death warrant in his wallet.
How good it would be to reason clearly,
to settle the world into peace,
preserve it within its proper bounds;
how beautiful is its body,
how bountiful its gifts,
how correct all its ways:
may its great perfection not
be turned to turmoil and chaotic din,
the shedding of blood with every dawn,
to checking ropes and iron chains;
may its unlimited expanses not
be exchanged for a hot, fenced-in desert,
restricted and ruled by a wanton boy;
may the people who live on its face
not be stricken by poverty,
always in need of succour
without a word of worthy advice;
may it not be defiled by the falling of blades
nor knowledge swopped for the sword.
How good it would be if such wishes
could ever come true.
Hear me, Sahra, and pay heed:
the earth and all it carries,
what's above and all that hangs there,
those with and those without shapes,
everything between clear and secret
only have being through God's word
and come and go as He commands.
All else between earth and sky -
denizens of the dense woods,
those which lie in winding valleys -
all who spit venom, or
the elephant with his supple trunk,
the rhino and its surging charge,
the lion with its shocking mane -
those from which we seek God's shield,
when such as you, Sahra, direct them
with distant gestures, see
how quickly they must bow,
throwing themselves prone.
This gift of dominance
is not easy or light to bear:
it depends on each person's perception.
Hear me, Sahra, and pay heed:
the sea and the rush of its surf,
the towering contours of the mountains;
the thunder's rumble and roar,
that deafening loudness;
the thunderbolt and its terror,
the howling approach of the storm -
don't be scared of these:
this world is made to obey you
so treat it kindly,
coax it with your awareness
as though it were your horse,
make it your helpmate;
this mist-shrouded world is a maiden,
so treat her with tender patience,
let your touch be light and gentle
as you collect the fruit she bears,
the wealth beneath her surface:
let her yield increase
and rescue her children from need;
ensure she is always at peace
and remains in serenity;
let her suffer no harm.
Don't tread this earth thoughtlessly,
free it from constant conflict,
never awaken the napalm,
the cannon choked with shells;
don't summon the warship,
the hum of the submarine,
and all such dischargers of death.
Don't use missiles against her,
or the mad sophistication of arms;
don't poison her sweetness.
Don't cut the green places with blades,
disfiguring her form,
its beauty and its freshness;
don't tear her veil,
the twilight and its clouds;
don't harm the creatures living upon her,
the oryx and other wild things;
don't disturb their interwovenness,
removing Earth's outermost layer
or destabilising its foundations.
Don't blow the last trump,
finishing it off in a single day -
when you hear its utmost groan
rather rush to comfort it
with clapping and ululation:
science should not be used
to further its victimisation.
Let its benignity mature you,
then pass it to a trustworthy successor
who will follow in your path.
Hear me, Sahra, and pay heed:
when I remember time past,
retrace the links of the Siinley, our collaboration
composed as novices at rhetoric,
addressing our country as 'Saxarla'
without assigning blame to her,
our consciousness was constrained by our time,
our expectations didn't come to pass,
and such patience never pays off -
don't depend on those who turn their backs,
don't wait for someone with no need of you,
don't risk yourself after the first betrayal.
If someone deceives you, don't waste more time;
don't ask him for his motives,
or make further excuses for him:
he's a burden you can stop bearing -
be firm, keep him at arm's length,
and never fall into making his mistakes.
If someone brags he's such and such,
don't just nod at nonsense -
if what he says lacks substance,
if his words are weightless
and don't tally with the truth,
you have the right to rebut him.
If someone lacks contentment at how
his looks or his abilities are perceived,
if he doesn't know his limits,
such hubris is hardly an asset.
Anyone who claims perfection lacks it -
there's always someone worthier;
manliness is not measured like this -
if he fulfils nine points
he'll still fail on the tenth.
That man who prays at the proper hour
though his mind drifts still thinks it's good -
if society is suffering don't suppose
the trek not worth starting.
If you sit somewhere unsafe
it's better to move than settle,
and if you have a burning question,
it's better to stand up and ask.
Anyone who refuses to see you as equal -
refute his superiority:
you were born in the selfsame way
or was he carried for ninety months instead?
If you fear to be suddenly awoken from sleep
don't live in interesting times.
When ambition isn't matched by achievement
entrust that task to an incisive hand -
this is the right way as I see it:
if an accident needs prompt treatment
don't wait for an auspicious time.
Each morning brings its own misfortunes
so don't waste the day bewailing it:
to be plain, it's your duty to solve them
then plan for tomorrow -
life requires your clarity,
fit rules, sound methods,
and none of this is impossible.
Treasure knowledge which is seemly,
combine it with apt action
and you'll lack no asset -
this is what it is to be civilised
and that alone is life's essence.

Life's Essence

Coming soon!

‘Life’s Essence’ is a continuation of the themes raised and developed in Hadraawi’s poem, ‘Clarity’ (‘Daalacan’), his contribution to the ‘Deelley’ chain inaugurated by the late Maxamed Xaashi Dhamac ‘Gaarriye’ in the late 1970s in protest against the corruption and brutality of the Siad Barre regime.* Here, in this long and epic poem, Hadraawi expands on his political philosophy, elucidating the true meaning of freedom though staying close to the traditional values of Somali society, a historical legacy he is determined to pass onto younger Somalis.

A more recent addition to the prestigious ‘Deelley’ chain of poems is Caasha Lul Mohamud Yusuf’s ‘The Sea Migrations’.

Original Poem by

Maxamed Ibraahin Warsame ‘Hadraawi’

Translated by

Said Jama Hussein with W N Herbert Language


