Ma Salguuro Caashaq Love That Doesn’t Dissipate

Ma Salguuro Caashaq

Ma salguuro caashaqe,
Ani sibiq ma igu yidhi?
Intuu samada ila tegey
Saxar-qaadka fooraha
”Dul-sabbee!” ma igu yidhi?
Dhalanteed ma igu sabay?
Soojeede maqan oon
Seexannayn ma iga dhigey?
Ma salguuro caashaqe,
Ani sahal ma igu heley?
Intuu soortii iga jaray
Suun adag ma igu xidhey,
Ma i saaray heegada?
Wax sanceeya ma u la’ay
Saaka maygu weynyahay?
Suxullada ma ii dhigey?
Ma salguuro caashaqe,
Ani salow ma igu ridey?
Sambabbadiyo feedhaha
Intuu surimmo kala baxay
Ma ku soofay xididdada?
Seediyo lafaha iyo
Wadnihii ma sarayoo,
Halistii ma suranyahay?

Luuqda: Xaliima khaliif ”Magool”
Loox-ereyga: Maxamuud Maxamed Yaasiin ”Dheeg”
Laxanka: Axmed Cali Cigaal
Laacdantunka: Kooxda Raadiyo Muqdisho
La socotay Riwaayadda: Talo iyo Tallaabo
Lagu duubay: Muqdisho, 1967

Love That Doesn’t Dissipate

Love that doesn't dissipate -
Did I swallow it?
I'm taken up into the sky
delivered through the dust storm
it says to me to stay aloft.
Did it sway me with unlikeliness
still awake and so distracted
did it deny me sleep?
Love that doesn't dissipate -
did it seek me out so easily
refuse me sustenance
secure me with a strap
send me soaring into coming clouds?
Spellbound in morning
I seek no nurse, find no surgeon -
has it sunk me to my knees?
Love that doesn't dissipate -
did it incite a riot in me?
Forcing through close passages
inside my lungs, beside my ribs
suffusing my bloodstream
and in my muscles and my marrow 
striking at my stunned heart
to hover where I'm most exposed.

Love Doesn’t Dissipate

Love doesn’t dissipate,
Did I ingested by swallowing it?
Taking me up to the sky
Through the dust storm
And did say to me: “keep afloat!”
Did it flatter me with an unrealistic hope?
Being awake but mentally distracted
And did it made me not able to sleep?
Love doesn’t dissipate,
Did it easily found me?
Denying me access to food
Fastened me tightly with a belt,
Did it lift me up into the gathering clouds?
Not able to find someone who could treat medically
Did it spellbind me this morning?
Did it bring me to my knees?
Love doesn’t dissipate,
Did it inflict me uproar?
Did it form narrow passages?
Through the lungs and the ribs
Spreading into the blood vessels?
And the tendon and the bones
Did it strike the heart?
Did it hang very dangerous place?

Singer: Xaliima khaliif ”Magool”
Songwriter: Maxamuud Maxamed Yaasiin ”Dheeg”
Composer: Axmed Cali Cigaal
La Socotay Riwaayadda: Talo iyo Tallaabo
Music Group: Kooxda Raadiyo Muqdisho
Part of a theatrical play: Advice and Step
Recorded: Muqdisho, 1967

Singer: Xaliima khaliif ”Magool”
Songwriter: Maxamuud Maxamed Yaasiin ”Dheeg”
Composer: Axmed Cali Cigaal
La Socotay Riwaayadda: Talo iyo Tallaabo
Music Group: Kooxda Raadiyo Muqdisho
Part of a theatrical play: Advice and Step
Recorded: Muqdisho, 1967

Original Poem by

Maxamuud Maxamed Yaasiin “Dheeg”

Translated by

Maxamed Xasan ‘Alto’ with W N Herbert Language


