Trazo del tiempo Marks of Time

Trazo del tiempo

Entre el viento y lo oscuro,
entre el gozo ascendente
y la quietud profunda,
entre la exaltación de mi vestido blanco
y la oquedad nocturna de la mina,
los ojos suaves de mi padre que esperan; su alegría
incandescente. Subo para alcanzarlo. Es la tierra
de los pequeños astros, y sobre ella,
sobre sus lajas de pirita, el sol desciende. Altas nubes
de cuarzo, de pedernal. En su mirada, en su luz envolvente,
el calor del ámbar.
Me alza en brazos. Se acerca.
Nuestra sombra se inclina ante la orilla. Me baja.
Me da la mano.
Todo el descenso
es un gozo callado,
una tibieza oscura,
una encendida plenitud.
Algo en esa calma nos cubre, algo nos protege
y levanta,
muy suavemente,
mientras bajamos.

Marks of Time

Between wind and dark,
between a rush of joy
yet deepest calm,
between my lovely white dress flying
and the dark, dark hole of the mine,
are my father's eyes, so gentle, waiting; his dancing
happiness. I go to meet him. This is a land
of little stars, of pyrite crystals,
wherever it's touched by the sunset. Clouds
of quartz, and flint, up high. His bright gaze,
has the warmth of amber.
He lifts me up into his arms. He comes in close.
Our one shadow drifts over to the edge of the mine. He puts me down.
He gives me his hand.
The whole way down
is just one joy, in silence:
one dark warmth,
one richness, aglow.
Something in that quietness holds us under its wing, it protects
and uplifts us,
very softly,
as we go down.

From La voluntad del ámbar (1998)

Original Poem by

Coral Bracho

Translated by

Tom Boll with Katherine Pierpoint Language


