Murugo: Weerarkii Qasa Mayhem: The Invasion of Gaza

Murugo: Weerarkii Qasa

Madaxay bukoo,
Mooraalka iyo,
Maanka iyo jasmiga,
Meel ii fayoow,
Marna lama arkoo,
Waxaan ahay madluun.
Mashaqada dhacdee,
Maato dooxistiyo,
Makrigiyo dilkiyo,
Moora-duugista ah;
Maydka teedsan ee,
Marinnada Qasiyo,
Masjidkii Aqsiyo,
Ciiddii mudnayd,
Maalin iyo alleyl,
Sidii maqal dhurwaa,
Mus-duleed ka helay,
Ma-huraanka wadhan,
Marka aan arkaan,
Muslimkii tarmee,
Meelkastaba arlada,
Midh subxaanalliyo,
Waa lama filee,
Macmacaanka iyo,
Marfish iyo qaxwiyo,
Muusik iyo wigliyo,
Masrax iyo balwiyo,
Ku mashquulsanyiin,
Marka aan arkaan,
Madaxdii Carbeed,
Magacood ba’yoow,
Iyadoo Madiix,
Maandeeq la dhacay,
Maxastii la gubay,
Maalkii la xaday,
Markiskii Aqsana,
Lagu meersan yahay,
Muhmal iyo qisadan,
Madmadow ka dheer,
Mashaqadan dhacdiyo,
Maamuus li’ida,
Musliimkii dul taal,
Iyagoo Mataan,
Ka markhaatiyay,
Magacood ba’aa
Madal loo dhan yahay,
Mahwi iyo bannaan,
Marta lagaga furay,
Ee inay mar qudha,
Maya ay dhahaan,
Ka mannaagayee,
Iyagoo makalan,
Sacab iyo mashxarad,
La madiidanka ah;
Marka aan arkaan,
Muxsinoow adaa,
Murtidiyo fankiyo
Miigganaanta gabay,
Mayalkaw hayee,
Masafada dhammee.
Mustafoow walaal,
Eraygaaga mudan,
Murtidaada togan,
Mayalkaaga kulul,
Maydalkaaga adag
Iyo moorahdii,
Midhihii Darwiish,
Midigtaada saar,
Maansada adaa,
Miiddii hayee,
Masafada dhammee.
Mawloow adaan,
Moogayn cidnoo,
Daalim iyo Madluum
Kala meeriyoo,
Xaqa muujiyee,
Waxaan kaa martiyay,
Ducadaan marshee
Sacabbada marnaba
Aanan hoos u miyin
Iiga yeel maqbuul.

Maxamed Muxumed Cabdi “Haykal” wrote this poem in response to the 2014 Israel–Gaza.

Mayhem: The Invasion of Gaza

My mind hurts
My morale too
My mind and body
Made mad
The current crisis
The murder
Bodies dumped
On the streets of Gaza
Al-Aqsa Mosque
The Holy Land
Morning and night
The most moral
Among us
Slain like lambs
In the open
Marking this
I am mortally marked
Muslims blossom
The world over
And yet
What can I say
They could not seem
More hopeless
Amusing themselves
In coffee shops
And bar rooms
Occupied by music
Marking this
I am also marked
Shame on those
Arab leaders’ names
While we live
Without the milk
Of Maandeeq
Stolen from
Amid fires
Family dead or
Al-Aqsa shrine
Under siege
Every mother’s son
Mataan and Mohamed
Marking this
Should be marked
Those whose shame
Is manifest
Cannot claim
Or say no
Though they still
Clap their hands
At those who
Trample on them
Marking this
I am marked again
You Muxsin
Maker of metre
Fitter of forms
Who took the lead
Help me fulfil
My lyric mission
My brother Mustafa
Your manner firm
Your word well-mustered
Whose wisdom
The Dervish verses
Your mind having
Mastered our craft
Help me complete
This verse
Almighty it is you
Between oppressor
And oppressed
Who draws divine
I implore you
Admit this prayer
Made solemnly
Palms open

Catastrophe – The Invasion of Gaza

My head is in pain
So is my morale,
the mind and the body.
No part is sound
To be seen on me
I am so oppressed.
The prevailing crisis
The massacre of innocents
The wilful killing
Of the powerless,
The dead bodies all over
The streets of Gaza
And the Asqa Mosque
And the Holy land
In day and night..
Like a wolf attacking
Defenceless sheep
The worthiest are slain in the open
Seeing all of these
Fills me with agony.
The Muslims growing in number
All over the world
And visible everywhere
Alas! What to say
Beyond all expectation
They seek sweet life
In bars and coffee houses
Where dance and music
And theatrical jokes
Are found in plenty
They are too engaged.
Seeing all of these
Fills me with agony.
As for the Arab leaders
Damned be their names!
When we are deprived
Of our freedom
And the weak is burned,
The property stolen,
The Aqsa shrine
becomes beleaguered;
This telling story
Far from being concealed
This horrific disaster
This ignoble spectre
That hangs over the Muslims
To whom everyone
Bears full witness
They are shamelessly having their time.
Those with the scorned names
Who before the widest audience
Where everything is clearly seen
Have been contemptuously exposed,
For once at least
Even in protestation
Cannot say no.
Being so subdued,
Continue to praise
And clap their hands
for more servitude.
Seeing all of these
Fills me with agony.
It is you, Muxsin
Who in arts’ essence
And its poetic forms
Always took the lead
So, render my lyrics complete.
My brother, Mustafa
Your righteous word
Your unfailing wisdom
Your daring say
Your strong expression
Your sagacious advice
Like the Darwish verses
Set your mind to it
Surely you do possess
Mastery of this craft
So, complete my unfinished verse.
My Lord, it is you
To whom every body is accountable
Including the oppressor and the oppressed
You do differentiate between
By your divine justice
I beg of you
The prayers I make
With open hands
So solemnly
To accept of me.

Original Poem by

Maxamed Muxumed Cabdi “Haykal”

Translated by

Said Jama Hussein with Will Harris Language


