Nell Ten Minutes After She Was Born Nell, diez minutos después de nacer

Nell Ten Minutes After She Was Born

(after the photograph by Richard Greenhill, 1976)
Ten minutes after you were born,
the books fell to the one side;
your big brother continued playing Lego,
putting the bits together, as if there was an order to life,
and she stitched me up, that lovely midwife,
and sorted out my afterbirth: and cut the cord with a sharp knife.
The room was the same old, kind, mess;
clothes here, kids’ books there, real life,
crumpled sheets, and on my face, sunlight. I felt
a kind of grace, a sort of embrace, an end to this strife.
The room took you in. Ten minutes later, you were my life.
Out, my little girl – out from my small room of womb, Nell.
Little Nell, our curious girl. And healthy! And well!

Nell, diez minutos después de nacer

(basado en la fotografía que sacó Richard Greenhill, 1976)
Diez minutos después de que naciste,
los libros se inclinaron hacia ese lado;
tu hermano mayor siguió jugando a los Legos,
ensamblando las piezas, como si tuviera un orden la vida,
y ella me cosió los puntos, esa partera divina,
y se ocupó de la placenta: y cortó el cordón con una filosa cuchilla.
La casa era el desorden dulce de siempre:
ropa por acá, libros de niños por allá, la verdadera vida,
sábanas abolladas y el sol sobre mi cara. Sentí
una especie de gracia, el final de una lucha, una suerte de caricia.
La habitación te acogió. Diez minutos después, estabas en mi vida.
Saliste, mi chiquita; de la casita de mi vientre, Nell.
Mi Nell, nuestra nena curiosa. ¡Y saliste sana! ¡Y bien!

Translated by Paula Galindez as part of the PTC’s Queer Digital Residency.

Poems from BANTAM by Jackie Kay. Copyright © 2017, Jackie Kay. All rights reserved.

Original Poem by

Jackie Kay

Translated by

Paula Galindez Language



United Kingdom