Dhab u Xusuusnaada! Never Forget!

Dhab u Xusuusnaada!

Badda: Gabayga
Mowduuca: Garsoorka
Haddii xubin garsoore sare iyo, xaqa laguu dhaarsho
Xigto iyo qabiil iyo haddaad, xaynka ku asqowdo
Laaluush xammuurani qalbiga, kaaga xidideeysto
Xoolo qof leeyahay haddaad, mid u xalaaleeyso
Xammil-dhaafku awr wuu dilaa, xadhig qalloocdaaye,
Xumaatiyo inaan boolli iyo, xaqu walaaloobin
Oo ay xad kala leeyihiin, waa xuruuf qorane
Haddii aad xilkaagiyo bulshada, xeerarka u laabto
Haddii uu xaqsoorku ambado, wareer kalaa xigi.
Xaashiyow agoommada la dhacay, baaddilka iyo xoogga
Dumarkaa xuquuqdooda maqane, xaakin uga dhaartay,
Xilliga iyo kibirkaa jiraa, cidi ma xaaleeyne
Xumo uunka dadka wadaa, way xayiranyiine
Xeer-beegtidoodaa kharribay, xaaladaa jira'e
Xumaha shicibka loo geystey waa, xidh iyo laaluushe
Xadkii dhaaftee aakhiro waad, xagal-ka-daacdeene,
Xumaatada haddaan layska qaban, ma xasilaysaane.
Kaasi xaafaddeennuu ahaa, maaha xaajaduye
Kaasaad xidhiidh leedihiin, maaha xaajaduye
Kaasina xigaal buu ahaa, maaha xaajaduye,
Xaashee garsooryahow ambaday, xaqa u soo laabo!
Xinjir baad faraha kula jirtaan, sun iyo xaaraane
Xeedhada gunteedaa dhunkaal, ku xafidaysaane
Sida awr xidhiidh ku af-maddan buu, lumay xaqsoorkiiye
Laaluush qofkii u xaddida bay, u xaglinayaane
Xoolo iyo itaal kaan lahayn, xanan la jiidhsiiye
Xaggooda iyo dhankooduu qalbigu, iga xanuunaaye
Xumaha iyo haddaan baaddilkow, ku xakameeyn waynno
Oon sacabka xeelad ugu tumo, waa xurmo-la'aane.
Xaakiinkii bulshada dhaawacee, dhaca xalaaleeyey;
Haddii xoolo geel iyo hunguri, kula xakaaloobo,
Xabaalo iyo qubuuraa jiree, dhab u xusuusnaada!
Iil baa la kala xaadhayaa, dhab u xusuusnaada!
Xuladdo iyo naar baa jiree, dhab u xusuusnaada!
Xays bay jannadu leedahee, dhab u xusuusnaada!
Ilaahay baa xisaabaha qoree, dhab u xusuusnaada!
Xaadir aakhiraa imanayee, dhab u xusuusnaada!
Xaakin buu Ilaahay ka yee, dhab u xusuusnaada!

Never Forget!

If you're elected as an impartial judge
But you tend to stick close to your clan
Corruption will be rooted in your mind
If you sell property behind the owner's back
You'll find yourself playing a dangerous game
Deception and fraud are the enemies of justice
There's a clear line between them
If you shun responsibility and turn your back on the law
If justice is muddied then confusion will reign.
Hey you, Xaashi! Look at the children robbed clean of everything
Look at the pleas of those women the judge ignored
An astonishing arrogance that now goes unnoticed
A nation of evil-doers will never progress
When lawyers themselves corrupt the law
When people are bribed and imprisoned for nothing
Wrong-doing in this life will be paid for after death
Peace is impossible unless evil is confronted
It's irrelevant that this man comes from my neighbourhood
It doesn't matter to the case if you are close to him
The trial doesn't concern any of these issues
Hey you, judge, focus on the facts and on justice
You've got blood on your hands, you're tainted with deception
You hide poison at the bottom of the bowl
Here justice is as pointless as a poorly-tied camel-halter
Because all the judges are so easily bought
Those who can't bribe are forced to walk through a thorn thicket
My heart breaks at the suffering of so many people
It's an outrage if we can't bring justice into line
It's a disgrace if we don't all campaign for change
If the judge breaks the law and says robbery's legal
If the judge makes friends with greed and wealth
Never forget the true judgement of the grave!
Never forget there's a grave with your name on it!
Never forget hell and its punishments!
Never forget heaven and its blessings!
Never forget Allah records all your deeds!
Never forget the Day of Judgement!
Never forget that God is Chief Justice!

Keep Truly in Mind!

If you are sworn in as a member of a top justice to be fair and reasonable
And you have the tendency to comply with the acts of groupism, clan and close
       relations as a common basis
The process of arranging bribery established roots in your mind
If you render a property or wealth owned by someone to somebody else
An inconvenient arrangement or a twisted rope may cause death to a he-camel,
Wickedness, fraud and wrongful deception not befriended with justice
That they have a dividing line between them and it's an authoritative statement
If you push aside your responsibilities and the public laws
If justice goes astray and away from the correct path then confusion will follow.
Hey you, Xaashi! Look the orphans that have been robbed with full force and in
       an unjust way
Look those women whose rights were refused to accept by a judge
At the moment no one has paid attention to that astounding arrogance
A nation whose people promote evil are halted and arrested from progress
It's the legal experts who corrupted these existing cases
The evil acts inflicted upon the people is prison and bribery
You've crossed the line and done something wrong and afterlife you go awry
       and fall into disorder,
If one isn't take hold of the evil one would not get tranquillity and become
The argument and the legal matter is not that that man is from my
The argument and the legal matter is not that you have close relationship with
        that man
The argument and the legal matter is not that and that as well is my close
Hey you, judge! Also you got lost, come back to the concern for justice
You have blood on your hands, poison and illegal matters
You are safeguarding toxins at the bottom of a wooden dish
Justice is lost like a rope halter placed around the heads of a line-up he-camels
The judges incline toward those who regularly arrange bribery for them
For those people who don't afford to pay the bribery are caused to run over the
        thorny bush,
I feel sorrow and compassion caused by the suffering of the majority of the
It's a disrespect and failure to adhere to moral principles if we don't bring evil
        and injustice under control
It's a disrespect and failure to adhere to moral principles if we don't skilfully
        drum up support.
If the judge fails to comply with the law and makes the robbery legitimate and
       breaks the aspiration of the people;
If the judge befriends with greediness and wealth,
Keep truly in mind that there are death and graves!
Keep truly in mind that there is a side chamber of the grave that one prepares
       for someone!
Keep truly in mind that there is a hell where the wicked are punished after
Keep truly in mind that there is a heaven where coolness and light rain exist
Keep truly in mind that there is Allah who records the person's good and bad
Keep truly in mind that there is afterlife and the Day of Judgment
Keep truly in mind that that day Allah is the Chief Justice.

Original Poem by

Saado Cabdi Amarre

Translated by

Maxamed Xasan ‘Alto’ with Sarah Maguire Language


