Nota 1 Note 1

Nota 1

la función de los poemas
es en mucho semejante a la función del intestino. no solo ella absorbe lo mejor de lo tragado
sino que expulsa al exterior la bola fecal de lo sentido. gracias a ella, el campo emocional
se dilata y se contrae como un esfínter.
el exceso de malos poemas
da lugar a la debacle de los esfínteres.
un hombre que dedica su vida
a la escritura de poemas
es un hombre que a la larga
huele a mierda.

Note 1

the function  of poetry
is rather like the function of the intestine.
not only does it absorb the better part of what’s consumed
but it ejects the faecal matter of what’s felt.
as a result, the emotions
dilate and contract like a sphincter.
the excess of bad poetry
causes sphincters to fail.
a man who dedicates his life
to poetry
is a man who ends up smelling of shit.

Note 1

the function of poems
is in much similar to the function of the intestine. not only she absorbs the
best of the drunk
but that ejects the bowl faecal of the meaning. thanks to her, the
field emotional
dilates itself and itself contracts like a sphincter.
the excess of bad poems
gives place to the collapse of the sphincters.
a man that dedicates hi life to the writing of poems
is a man that at the long smells of shit.

As you will see if you read the many poems concerned with writing poetry on our website, they often regard creating poems as a transcendent act. In blatant contradistinction, Victor Cruz’s poem, ‘Note 1’, compares writing poetry to the act of shitting – a position that some readers might find upsetting, even offensive. The paradox of course is that, if this is what Victor truly believes, then why write poetry? Which indicates that matters are not so simple for him.

Serafina Vick, who introduced us to Victor Cruz’s poetry, supplied us with very literal, often word-for-word translations which laid bare the structure of the Spanish originals.

Translating the first two lines was fairly straightforward: we changed ‘poems’ to the more general category of ‘poetry’; and used the colloquial ‘rather like’ to make the comparison. The third line needed some unpicking. Clearly, we needed to change the gendered ‘she’ to ‘it’, but the bigger problem was finding an alternative to ‘absorbs the best of the drunk’, which we changed to ‘the better part of what’s consumed’. Even more tricky was the following line which, after much discussion, became ‘it ejects the faecal matter of what’s felt’.

The rest of the poem fell into place quite quickly. We changed ‘collapse of the sphincters’ to ‘causes sphincters to fail’ and ‘is a man that at the long’ to ‘is a man who ends up’.

Sarah Maguire, Workshop Facilitator

Original Poem by

Oscar Cruz

Translated by

Serafina Vick with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


