Fad Galbeed Passing Cloud

Fad Galbeed

Gabbal-dhaca cadceed-yahay
U sii faano-guratee
Casar gaaban liiqii
Godka weeraraysaa!
Go'e fuley miyaad tahay?
Waa maxay garmaamadu?
Ma googooska sagalkiyo
Gamasyada shucaacaa
Gaade kaa horreeyiyo
Gurigaad ku hoyan layd
War ku gubay ka soo direy?
Mise gabadhan dhoolkiyo
Gu'goo shaalka xaytiyo
Fad galbeed la moodaa
Kolkaad gelin is-dhugateen
Guluubkaagii shiikhoo
Dib-u guradku waa baqe?
Mise ganac-jabkaagiyo
Waxaad galabta mudataad
Intay goori goor tahay
Dayax soo lug-gu'i laa
Sii war-geli is-leedahay?
Gedgeddoonka hirarkee
Iyagoo garaaro leh
Gaatin-socodka laafyaha
Xarragada u gaarka ah
Goonyahaaga tiiciyo
Gaardiga daruuraha
Kugu gaaf-wareegee
Gumucaad ridaysiyo
Goolli-baadh fallaadhaha
Shafka kaga garaacdee
Isu rogay guduudkee
Dhiiggooda gobo'liyo
Giirgiirka caadka leh
Ku sibbaaqday guudkiyo
Maxaa maanta gaasirey?
Miyay kugu giriifeen?
Mise waxay ka giigeen
Gobaad haybaddeediyo
Gantaalaha jacaylkiyo
Kalgacaylka beereey
Indhaheedu ganayaan?
Afartaa siddiri-gam
Waxaan gocanayaa weli
Tiiyoo gareyskiyo
Marta debec u gunuddoo
Guranaysa hoobaan
Oo aan geyaankeed
Geesaha ka filanayn
Dabayshii gadoodee
Uurkayga garatee
Gaadmada ku qaaddee
Gosha iyo horaadkiyo
Gaaddada u faydiyo
Garba-duubka maraday
Durba "geb" isku siisiyo
Gabbashada xishoodka ah
Gorodday lulaysiyo

Passing Cloud

Setting sun
You're on the run:
Late afternoon
And gone so soon!
What are you scared of? What's the rush?
Is it the spears of light that shine
Back at you from rock and bush?
Is it the dark creeping up on you
Or bad news from the depths of night
That makes you want to hide your light?
Or is it this girl, more beautiful
Than rain in the season of drought, whose grace
Is greater by far than the subtle pace
Of a passing cloud when it's nudged by the wind?
When you and she exchanged glances just now,
It was you who grew pale, it was you who shrank
From the gleam in her eye and the glow of her smile.
Setting sun
You're on the run:
Late afternoon
And gone so soon!
Have you gone
To warn the moon
That she must face
This greater grace?
The roll of the clouds, the furl of the waves -
A sea of cloud stained purple and red,
The swing of her arms, the swing and the sway
Of her hips as she walks is just like the way
You sway and dip and the end of the day.
Now the clouds turn their backs on you.
They only have eyes for the eyes of the girl:
Eyes that launch love-darts, darts that sink
Into the flanks of the clouds and draw
Droplets of blood that stain the sky.
Setting sun
You're on the run:
Late afternoon
And gone so soon…
These are the lines
That seemed to fall
To hand when first
I saw the girl.
Now this is what
I most recall:
The way she reached up to gather fruit
Believing herself to be alone
Until she saw me there, wide-eyed,
As the wind read my mind and sent a gust
To part her dress and lay her breast
Bare for the space of an indrawn breath.
Ah, yes, I remember that…and the way
She caught at the cloth and fastened it,
Turning her face from mine, her eyes
Lowered, as if to say: No man
Has seen before what you saw today.

Passing Cloud

Oh setting sunlight
who slips away
in the dwindling light of late afternoon
and goes in to the hole,
Hey are you a coward?
What is the hurry/rush? [the word here refers to a horse running on its own]
Is it the coming and going(?)
of the little spears which shine
[or] an ambusher in front of you and
news, sent to you from the house you would spend the night in,
which has burnt you?
Or [is it] this girl which looks like the head of a raining cloud,
the gu' season--which lifted the shawl--
an afternoon cumulus cloud.
When you glanced at each other in the afternoon
your bulb [i.e. glow] weakened / shrank;
and is the retreat out of fear? [i.e. a fear that the beauty of the girl is greater]
Or is it disappointment
and you saying to yourself “Inform the moon which would [otherwise] miss out [on being able to deal with the greater beauty]” before it's time [for it to rise], of what you faced in the afternoon [galabta!!]
The turning over of the waves
with the graceful arm movement of a beautiful woman,
the slow march of the gracefully swinging arms
to which elegance is special, [i.e. elegance is particular to this movement]
your sides (goonyo) which swayed
and the ranks of the clouds
which are all around you
and which you hit on the chest with the bullets you let loose and the well aimed arrows
and which turned red
with drops of blood and
the multicoloured cloud (cirrus?)
which was dyed on the surface;
what reduced their “Shoulder arms!” today? [i.e. what reduced the honour of the clouds around the setting sun which normally reflect the glory of the sun; here they're likened to an army the sun commands; the references to the bullets and arrows seem a little incongruous, but anything goes in poetry]
Did they go on strike / grieve for you [giriif = shoobbare but English!]
Or was what stopped them
the prestige of Gobaad [name given to the girl]
and the missiles of love;
the love which is a kernel
which her eyes are launching
Afartaa siddiri gam [These two lines are a dhextaal 45 would paraphrase as something like 'be that as it may'.
What I still recall:
is that one(fem.) [i.e. that girl]
with a loosely tied dress and light overcloth [gareys]
gathering ripe fruit,
who was not expecting to see a male, [lit. someone eligible to marry her]
whom the wind, which was stirred up
and which understood my belly-insides, [i.e. my feelings]
suddenly took
such that it revealed the [i.e. her] side, front and chest;
And [I remember] the tying/fastening of the cloth
which she quickly covered herself with
and the modest dodging / backing away,
the animal head which she hung down,
the shyness of virginity.