Halis weeye Halisey Perilous, It Is Perilous

Halis weeye Halisey

Hareeraa adduunka
Dab baa ka holcaaya
Hub baa ka qarxaaya
Hed baa ku baxaysa
Kuwaa herdamaya
Habeen iyo maalin
                                  Kuwaa biya hoostood
                                   Haraati is yeela
                                   Kuwa isku hiifa
                                   Siyaasad hagoogan,
Kuwaa hardafaaya
Kuwaa halgamaaya
Kuwa holinaaya
Kuwaa hadimaya
                                Kuwaa haqab beela
                               Kuwaa hunga taagan
                              Haybtiisaba Aadmi
                             Dadnima ka huleelye
                             Hagardaamo Adduunka
                             Dad Maxaa kala haysta
Hareera Adduunka
Hormuud talinaaya
Hagaas daba jooga
Aqoonta Habowday
Hub geri samaysa
Hadmaa laga waayi?
                                    Haddmuu sacu dhiiqay
                                    Hadhuub caana dhiiga
                                    Sabuulka hadhuudhka
                                    Rasaas laga hoobshey? 
Kuwa cudur heeray
Hamuun iyo gaajo
Aqoon daro haysa
Kuwa Hagranaaya
                                 Kuwaa halal beerta
                                 Kuwa u habaya
                                  Kan haysta shidaalka
                                   Heehaabka sabbaynta
                                   Hindisaa addunka
                                   Dad maxa kala haysta!
      Hareeraa Adduunka
Baqaa ka huraaya
Habaaska daluumay
Dadbaa isku haysta
Haddad u garsoorto
Runtii helimaysid
                                Hiddii Afrikaanka
                                Durbaaki Hadlaayey
                                Halaanhalka ciilka
                                Codbaa ka hugmaaya
Halyeyada koonfur
Hankoodaa la quudhay
Horaa bari dhexena
Huqdaa loogu beeray
Haddaa geeska barina
Loo soo hanqaltaagey
                                    Haybtiisaba Aadmi
                                    Dadnimo ka huleelye
                                    Hagardaamo adduunka
                                    Dad maxaa kala haysta !

Perilous, It Is Perilous

In the earth’s corners
flames are howling
Ammunition’s hitting
Death heaves forward
Nations head-butting
Habitually, day and night
            Some are underwater
            Some kneecap men down
            Some are in dispute
            As politics divides
Some are catatonic
Some are in combat                 
Some contemplate
Inclined to vendettas
            Some capitulate
            Leave in collapse
            It’s the human curse
            To be cruel to each-other
            Consuming the earth
            This is the puzzle 
In the earth’s corners
A leader; advisor
The heedless behind him
Meandering mindless
With access to weapons
Will this never stop?
            When was the cow milked?
            A bucket of blood
            How was it was lulled?
            With a hail of bullets
Some are diseased
Hungry and desperate
Muddied in ignorance
Dirtied and calloused 
            Some are enflamed
            Some are encouraging
            Enumerating oil
            Against aimless floating
            The global accounts
            This is the puzzle
In the earth’s corners
Some are still fearful
The dust is stirred
Some still believe
Mediation can soothe it
They sacrifice truth
            If only all Africans
            Speaking with drums
            Their faces defiant
            Called with one clear voice
Heroes of South Africa
You were degraded
The Middle-East
Was laden with grief
The Horn of Africa
Is now the target   
            It’s the human curse
            To be cruel to each-other
            Consuming the earth
            This is the puzzle 

Perilous, It Is Perilous

1) All corners of earth
Flames are bellowing
Ammunitions are erupting
Death is surging
Some (countries) are butting heads
Day and night,
2) Some are unwater
(Inflicting) knee blowing on each
Some are in confrontation (mood)
With legitimate political divide,
3) Some are enraged
Some are embattled
Some are contemplating
Some are vendetta prone, 
4) Some have capitulated
Some have been routed
That of human nature
To lose all amity
That is harmful to earth
That is a puzzle by itself. 
5) All corners of earth
A leader and advisor
The heedless behind him
The meandering mindless
With means to weapon
Will that ever cease (one day)?
6) When was the cow milked?
A bucket of blood
That it was soothed
With hail of bullets.
7) Some are disease afflicted
Hungry and craving
Clouded in ignorance
(Others) are callus so. 
8) Some are enflamed
Some are just supporting
Rich oil counts
(With) that of aimless floating
(To affect) the global affair
That is a puzzling by itself.
9) All corners of earth
Some are still fearful
The dust stirred
Some are in the belief
To mend it with mediation
Will sacrifice the truth self.
10) If all Africans
Speaking in all drum
(With) furiously faces (seen)
Blaring with (reasoned) voice,
11) Heroes of south (Africa)
These were degraded
There the Middle-East
Was laden with grief
Then the Horn (of Africa)
Is on the target now.   
12) (It is) human’s nature
To lose all amity
That is harmful to earth more
Is a puzzle by itself.

This translation was commissioned by The Somali Week Festival which is organised by Kayd and supported by Arts Council England.

Original Poem by

Said Salah

Translated by

Ahmed Ismail Yusuf with Clare Pollard Language


