Portrait: Mr Dreamer of Butterflies After a Long Illness in Bed

Portrait: Mr Dreamer of Butterflies After a Long Illness in Bed

He has wasted away into
a stick of incense
a ribbon of rain
a willow stem
a reed
thin like the winter sun
The resilient antenna
of a ladybird

We loved the playfulness of this delicate lyric and it was a pleasure to translate. The name of the subject, ‘Mr Dreamer of Butterflies’ is like a nom de plume – except it will have been given to him by his friends, probably other poets or artists in his circle.

There’s something very touching about the metaphors Chen Yuhong has selected to describe her friend’s condition. It’s interesting that this is a woman poet writing about a man. And that she uses the final image of a ladybird to indicate his resilience.

Impression - Mr Dreamer of Butterflies After a Long Illness in Bed

He has slimmed down into
an incense stick
a thread of rain
a willow branch
a reed stem
slimmed into the winter sun 
an antenna persisted by a 

Original Poem by

Chen Yuhong

Translated by

Chenxin Jiang with The Poetry Translation Workshop Language


