Mor kırmızı Purple Red

Mor kırmızı

Habire düşerdim, sanki göremediğim birileri
çelmelerdi ayaklarımı
Çok ağrırdı bacaklarım
hep çürük hep mor
Habire sol elimi keserdim bir de
Suyun altında yanardı kesik yeri
hep kan hep kırmızı
Habire yanılırdım en kötüsü
Fazla kıymet, emanet giysi gibi
dururdu güvendiklerimde
‘O ama çok farklı’ dediklerimde
Öğrendim zamanla, bütün farklar aynıdır
Ruhum gururundan morarırdı
ve yüzüm kızarırdı utancından
Çocukken battaniyeden çadır
yapardım ya hani sığınmaya
Şimdi çıplaktım insanların ortasında
Çıplak ayna, görür
ve nefret ederlerdi yansımalarından
O yüzden geriye kalan sadece
iki tayfı gökkuşağı kaderimin
hep mor hep kırmızı
Ne edeyim, söylemek zorundayım
Çok aldatıldım fazla bıçaklandım
hep mosmor hep kankırmızı​

Notes for MOR KIRMIZI:

Mosmor: mos intensifies the mor (purple) and doesn’t have a meaning on its own

Kankırmızı: kan also intensifies the kirmizi (red), but in this case kan means blood

Purple Red

I kept falling, as if people I couldn’t see
were tripping me up
My legs hurt a lot
always bruised always purple
And I kept cutting my left hand too
The gash burned under the water
always blood always red
Worst case I would always be mistaken
Too much esteem hung like borrowed
clothes on those I trusted
When they said ‘But she’s quite different’
I learned in time, all differences are alike
My soul was bruised by pride
and my face flushed with shame
When I was a kid I’d build a tent out of a blanket
to take refuge in, you know
Now I am naked in the middle of a crowd
A naked mirror they will gaze into
and hate their own reflection
And that’s why the only thing still left
is the spectacular twin rainbows of my fate
always purple always red
What can I do, I have no choice but to say it
So often I’ve been deceived, stabbed too many times
always deep purple always blood red

Purple Red

I would keep falling, as if some people I couldn’t see
were tripping me up
My legs would hurt a lot
always bruised always purple
And I would keep cutting my left hand too
The cut would burn under the water
always blood always red
Worse case I would keep being wrong
Too much esteem/value, like borrowed clothes
they would look on those I trusted
When they said ‘But she is really different’
I learned with time, all differences are similar
My soul would bruise from its pride
and my face would blush from its shame
As a kid I would build a tent with a blanket
you know to take refuge in
Now I was naked in the middle of people
The naked mirror, they would see
and hate its reflections
This is why what is left behind is only
two spectacular rainbows of my destiny
always purple always red
What can I do, I am forced to say it
I have been deceived a lot stabbed too many times
always deep purple always blood red

Original Poem by

Karin Karakaslı

Translated by

Canan Marasligil with Sarah Howe Language


