Dhigaalka Far Soomaaliga Settling the Somali Language

Dhigaalka Far Soomaaliga

Dhalashada afkaygiyo
Dhigashada fartaydaan
Kaga baxay dhibaatoon
Hawlihii ku dhaafee,
Iyadaa dhaqaalaha
Dhidibbada u aastoo
Dheelliga u diiddaye,
Dhulka wadajirkiisee
Iyadaa dhammeesee.
Waa inaan ku dhaataa afkayga,
Waa inaan ku dhistaa afkayga,
Waa inaan ku dhaqdaa afkayga,
Waa inaan ku dhergaa afkayga,
Waa inaan ku dhintaa afkayga.
Shalay dhabannahayskii
Dhoolla-qosol maanta ah
Xalay bow dhexeeysee,
Dadka dhooban meesha
Laysku soo dhowaadee,
Dhanka qudha u jeedoow!
Ma hesheen dhambaalkii?
Hadalkii ma dhuuxdeen?
Ma idiin dhadhamayaa?
Waa inaan ku dhaataa afkayga,
Waa inaan ku dhistaa afkayga,
Waa inaan ku dhaqdaa afkayga,
Waa inaan ku dhergaa afkayga,
Waa inaan ku dhintaa afkayga.
Qofka dhoohanow, arag!
Kii dhegala’ow, maqal!
Haddaan dheri dab lagu shidin
Dhuuniga ma kariyoo
Waxba lagama dheefee,
Dheehdoo danteennii
Halka dhaawac kaga yaal
Lafta dhabarka weeyee,
Boogaha ma dhayannaa!
Waa inaan ku dhaataa afkayga,
Waa inaan ku dhistaa afkayga,
Waa inaan ku dhaqdaa afkayga,
Waa inaan ku dhergaa afkayga,
Waa inaan ku dhintaa afkayga.

Settling the Somali Language

Through the fixing of its spelling
my language is delivered:
my difficulties done with,
I'm freed from every hindrance.
Settling the orthography’s
our economy's foundation;
it defends against all defects
in the oneness of our nation -
it underwrites and it defines.
I must be devoted to Somali
develop through Somali
create within Somali
I must be rid of poverty
and give myself for my own mother tongue.
Only a single night divides
old yesterday's despair
from today's delighted laughter -
you people gathered here
how close you’ve grown together:
you face in one direction.
Do you hear deliverance call?
Have you divined its meaning?
Does it taste good in the mouth?
I must be devoted to Somali
develop through Somali
create within Somali
I must be rid of poverty
and give myself for my own mother tongue.
You who are still unaware, look!
You who are deliberately deaf: listen!
if the pot isn't placed on the fire
the dish cannot be cooked
so how will it ever satisfy? 
Consider this in light of our goal:
where does deep hurt lie
but in our backbone -
time to treat that injury!
I must be devoted to Somali
develop through Somali
create within Somali
I must be rid of poverty
and give myself for my own mother tongue.

The Somali Orthography

The birth of my orthography
And the writing using my own script
Allowed me to come out from the suffering
And hardship and the countless and continual works,
It is the prop and major source of support to the economy
And refuses to fall over from loss of balance,
It provides a formal promise and guarantee
To the unity of the country.
I’ve to love my mother tongue very dearly,
I’ve to achieve a permanent acceptance for my mother tongue,
I’ve to make practical and effective use of my mother tongue,
I’ve to fill to satisfaction and satiated with my mother tongue,
I’ve to die having a dignified status with my mother tongue.
The yesterday’s wonder and mysterious situation we were in
And today’s fortune that smiled on us
The success and the failure in-between was only yesterday,
Hey you people gathering at the place
Coming close to one another,
Looking forward to one direction!
Have you received the telegram?
Have you learned it thoroughly?
Do you have the tendency to like it?
I’ve to love my mother tongue very dearly,
I’ve to achieve a permanent acceptance for my mother tongue,
I’ve to make practical and effective use of my mother tongue,
I’ve to fill to satisfaction and satiated with my mother tongue,
I’ve to die having a dignified status with my mother tongue.
Hey you, the absent-minded person, see it!
The one who is having impaired hearing, listen it!
If a fire is not set to a clay vessel
It doesn’t cook the food
And nothing is benefitted from,
Pay attention to our general interests
Where the damage lies
Is the spinal cord
Smug self-serving earnestness!
I’ve to love my mother tongue very dearly,
I’ve to achieve a permanent acceptance for my mother tongue,
I’ve to make practical and effective use of my mother tongue,
I’ve to fill to satisfaction and satiated with my mother tongue,
I’ve to die having a dignified status with my mother tongue.

This poem was composed by Hadraawi to mark the adoption of a formal script for the Somali language in 1972.