كائن Someone


 موقعٌ للحنينِ والتفجُّرِ
رعافٌ من الكَلَلِ والمثابرةْ
كلُّ الدوائرِ والزوايا
كلُّ النُّقَطِ والحدودْ
هكذا أيها العالمُ السافلُ
أنتقمُ للجمالِ يأخذُ هيئةً زَرِيّةً
يوقِعُ بالممكنِ
في أحبالِ الغوايةِ
يلقي به خارجَ الإمكانْ
 لم أكنْ إلاِّ لردمِ المهاوي
تُسقِطُ مَنْ مَاتَ
في سقفِ أحبّته
ليشتعلوا في سُعالِ التطلُّعِ
من أجلِ مَنْ لم يمتْ
هاجسٌ أن تكونَ نهايةْ
أن تكون بدايةْ !


Site of longing and explosion
bleeding from exhaustion and diligence,
from all the circles and constraints
all the markers and borders
fixed in this bastard world
I wrench beauty from ugliness
and fall prey to possibility
In the knot of temptation
the possible is jettisoned
I am nothing but a digger of graves
The dead are abandoned
beneath the roof of their loved ones
They turn pale keeping watch
over those not yet dead
A nightmare that would end
is a nightmare that would begin


A site of longing and explosion
Bleeding with tiredness and diligence
All the circles and limits of the world
All the dots and borders
Like this, the bastard world
I consume the beauty that overwhelms me
It falls prey to the possible
In the knots of temptations
It throws him outside the place...
I was not except to dig graves
To leave the dead behind
Hidden beneath the roof of those they loved,
They become pale from staring
For the sake of those who did not die
It is a nightmare that would come to an end
Or there would be another beginning!

Original Poem by

Al-Saddiq Al-Raddi

Translated by

Atef Alshaer with Sarah Maguire Language


