ماثلٌ للريح
في قبعة لا تخفي
بمعطفٍ يلتفُّ — على عمود الغبار
يرى فضاءاً
ولا يقطفُ وردةً
حتى يراكْ
( بالممرّ الضيق
بين أكوام الزبالةِ
يُشْهِرُ منقارَه
ويضربُ بالأجنحة !)
The main thing I need to tell you about this song is that it is a love poem (forgive me if I am stating the obvious!). Like in his previous poem Saddiq uses a scene to convey his idea: sad and frustrated by lack of magic powers and engulfed in dust this thin man is singing this song to his lover.… The last bracketed part stands for his determination to strive (to meet his lover?) despite everything… and I think it will be great if we could make the last line about wings much more beautiful or make the idea of him flying clearer….
the thin man